First of all let me apologise for the lack of newsletters this year. I will try and get back to at least four newsletters per year. It’s not as though nothing has been happening – in fact it seems to have been a very good year for wildlife and there has been a lot going on! Wildflower Meadow Tanworth-in-Arden Parish Council and the Earlswood Wildlife Partnership are working together to create a wildflower meadow at the far end of the recreation ground. We have sown a mix of native wildflower species which flower between June and September, making sure as many flowers as possible are available to the bees and butterflies at their most active time of year. In order to commemorate the outbreak of WW1 we have also sown wild poppy seeds Bat Survey An excellent year with over 20% of boxes in use and record numbers of live bats found. Survey Date 31/03/2012 08/09/2012 13/04/2013 21/09/2013 20/09/2014 No. of boxes check...
Quietly Pondering & Watching The World Go By Or Not As The Case May Be!!!