I love the internet there is so much out there but what I can't get over is some of the great free tools available, that make things at work and home so much easier. I still don't understand how it is free! I thought I would share one of my best finds. First of all I don't bother with Microsoft Office any more why should I when I have Open Office It looks like Office it feels like it and the beauty of it is It is compatible with Office.For those people who have computers but don't have office or can't afford it this tool is a great option. Maybe a Uni Student or someone who needs to submit a CV but doesn't have the fancy software package. I use it for the hell of it one less Microsoft package on my PC
Well here you go, Crime Stats for November 2020 for Alcester North, Once on the page hover over the hot spots to get a break down for your village or town, I still think this is a great tool. Just a reminder the tool is provided by www.police.uk and is for anywhere England As always I have set the default search area for Alcester North. Click Here to Access Crime Map For Alcester North