I took time this morning to take another look at the attack on the Royal car. This is having previously read it cost £50 million to protect 22 members of the Royal family! Here is the question I am pondering. I am no expert but at the time the protesters approached the Royal car there appeared little or no protection what so ever.. One outrider in front of the car that was it. I am gob smacked the the Duchess Of Cornwall had her window open at one point. The people that dispersed the crowd appeared to normal uniformed officers that were on duty..So is this what £50 million gets. I don't suppose the lack of protection that evening has got anything to do with the suggestion that the £50 million may need to be cut.
Well here you go, Crime Stats for November 2020 for Alcester North, Once on the page hover over the hot spots to get a break down for your village or town, I still think this is a great tool. Just a reminder the tool is provided by www.police.uk and is for anywhere England As always I have set the default search area for Alcester North. Click Here to Access Crime Map For Alcester North