I wrote this post almost a year ago. I have chosen to re-blog it without amendment.
I started this post a few days ago and then did the mandetory delete because I thought I may have been misunderstood so have had to think of a different way to approach what I wanted to say.
I started this post a few days ago and then did the mandetory delete because I thought I may have been misunderstood so have had to think of a different way to approach what I wanted to say.
I think Help For Heroes has done a fantastic and much needed job in raising awarness and funds for our Injured Armed Forces Personnel. It needed doing and they have done it and continue to do it extremely well.
I have a fundemental difference of opinion. I think every single person who has served or is currently serving in HM Forces is a Hero not just those that have been injured during combat.
Undenibly the injured need more time and a different sort of help to those that luckily escaped injury.
How ever great I think the work Help For Heroes has done and is doing I often wonder if it is at the detriment of all those small charities that offer help and support to everybody who is encountering difficulties when leaving or have left the HM Forces. Whether it be welfare,housing,employment and many other things.
I have always known it but today by sheer coincidence a fellow train traveller was chit chatting about her place of work and who last years choosen Charity was. It was Help For Heroes once again fantastic news but not so fantastic when she thought she was helping All people who had served or are serving encountering difficulties.
The message I want to put across is this.
Please continue to Help Our Heroes but please don't forget the rest and the very small charities that can make a world of difference to Other Armed Forces Heroes.
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