Dad was chatting away this morning about a programme he saw late at night last night. In short it was about the Sun (I mean the solar Sun) and not the red top newspaper Sun and how it is expected in a couple of years time to have one of its natural turns and how it will affect the earth. As I listened to him reciting what the programme was all about it sort of pricked my interest. Its true I have never heard of the possibility before and thought maybe Dad was exaggerating. When said programme said we could be without electricity in 2013. So I googled Sun Activity and came across a report in the Telegraph dated last year. Its strange how these things don't hit the head lines big time because the ramifications of no electricity is huge.
Anyway here is the report!
Guess we will all have to do without TV,Computers,Sat Navs, Light and any other electrical item we may use (LOL good a reason as any not to get the Iron out) Just glad we have the aga and log fires. Mind you keeping warm and cooking won't be any good without water.