Try broadband speed test
Well I have to say folks the speed of my Broadband has gone up slightly, However it is no where near where it should be.
These are the things I have done to help myself. They are all available on your computer as standard tools. If you de-fragment your hard disk, be prepared to allow it to run without interruption ( Go to bed and leave it)
These are the things I have done to help myself. They are all available on your computer as standard tools. If you de-fragment your hard disk, be prepared to allow it to run without interruption ( Go to bed and leave it)
- Got rid of all the cookies
- De-fragmentation of my hard drive
- Got rid of all the files I don't need or want
- Generally de cluttered my Laptop
- Checked all cables leading to and from the PC and reset the wireless connection
- Installed Google Chrome
- Got rid of Internet explorer
All of this has appeared to have helped me gain NEARLY 0.5 of a MB of Speed so I am now very nearly reaching 3MB of my up to 8MB.
It still makes me so cross that BT is promoting it's new product "Infinity" which is up to 40MB when on the whole we all appear to be receiving a lot lower speeds.