Carrying on from yesterdays post about super injunctions and privacy etc. it got me to thinking. In real terms our every day lives are are taped,filmed and recorded as a matter of course.
- From using a cash point machine
- Getting off a train and using electronic gates
- To being recorded on the train
- Walking to work and being filmed by CCTV
- How many times we leave and enter our work buildings (Pass keys and swipe cards)
- What web sites we visit
- What telephone calls we make
- Where we are when we make those telephone calls
You name it something somewhere will be keeping its beady little eye on us all.
There is no privacy any more.
I found Google Earth intriguing however I find Google Street view totally invasive.
I am waiting for the day technology joins all the dots adds all the activities together and will be able to record and view everyone's activities real time giving an accurate account of each persons activities day in day out.
The only one thing good thing is that there are so many of us and so much information technology may just have problems keeping up.
Then again !
Never say Never :o)
Never say Never :o)