Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting was held at Earlswood Village Hall on Monday 16th May. Chairman Ron Hill reported on the workshops (mammals / butterflies and moths / wildflower), walks (dawn chorus / autumn / bluebell) and the activity nights (moths and bats) which have taken place since the last AGM and which were well attended - 23 at the last bat night which was enjoyed by all! He also reported on the progress made with the tern raft project and the installation of 70+ bat boxes.
A presentation was given by Chris Redstall of Keep Britain Tidy (Waterside Care Project Officer) who spoke about the urgent need to clean up the lake feeder streams and remove the invasive Himalayan Balsam. If you would be prepared to help in this project please let us know and working parties can then be arranged in conjunction with Chris and the Residents Association.
Moth Traps
As you may know EWP have 5 Moth Traps and identification books, supplied from the funding secured for us by Izumi Segawa of Warwickshire Wildlife Trust.
These traps have been loaned out to members since March this year and have provided a fascinating insight into the moths that can be found in the Earlswood area. Cheryl and I have run the trap overnight in our garden on 8 occasions and have identified over 30 different species to date (see photos below). Identifying some of the species has been at times challenging but fascinating and Izumi is always willing to help!
If you would be interested in the loan of a moth trap in the future please get in touch and let us know. They are easy to set up and all you need is a suitable electric point (we run an extension lead through the cat flap!) - as always we can be contacted at
Forthcoming Events
Saturday 18th June 11am – 5 pm – Visit Notcutts Meadow
Sunday 19th June 11am – 4pm - Visit Notcutts Meadow
A chance to visit an orchid filled ancient meadow.
Entrance at the rear of Notcutts Garden Centre
(No charge but donations to WWT welcome)
Saturday 2nd July 8:30pm until 1:00am - Moth Night in Clowes Woods
(No charge but donations to WWT welcome) meet at Wood Lane car park
Sunday 10th July at 10am to 1pm – “Balsam Bashing” at Clowes Wood
Meet at Wood Lane car park.
Please wear working clothes, boots or wellies and gloves.
(Bob Roberts – Membership Secretary)