You know sometimes you have to give credit where credit is due.
Work is a busy time at the moment with lots going on and especially with stacks of changes that will affect my very small team irrelevant of what I do and who I do it for it really doesn’t matter.
I was surprised that whilst we were in the midst of doubling the team, learning about a new web site, having new in house software and in the process of moving offices and all the hassle that goes with it all to be implemented on a given date in the very near future. That my manager asked me to go on a two day management course.
Although I don’t mind and will take every opportunity to learn I really did think this two day course presented its self at the most inopportune time and would have preferred to leave it until everything had settled down.
I was a little apprehensive and could have done without it. However I am glad I went I thoroughly enjoyed it and have absolutely no hesitation on recommending it.
It might not be everyone’s cup of tea but it certainly helped me put a few things back in to perspective.
LOL now you know why I was going on about the HS2 again another visit to the Capital.
No they didn’t pay me and I don’t work for them. I attended a course and enjoyed it enough to share with you. TBH I would have liked it to last longer than 2 days.
Anyway here is the link.
Anyway here is the link.