Oh well I have spent a little bit of time exploring G+ I must admit it has a few very useful gadgets.
Although I am new to modern Social media I must admit I am not new to the Internet how I got left behind on the modern social media side of things I really don’t know but I did.
G+ seems to be another step into the future and in my own personal opinion has carefully watched the likes of Twitter ,Facebook, Flicker to name but a few and taken the best from them all and amalgamated it into one package.
I notice a lot of techie & media types are using G+ members of WWC are there (The Techies & PR)
The problem is how do they attract people to it when those people are established and just got comfortable in their new place in Cyber Space. Twitter, Facebook etc.
Many people are like me I hated twitter a few months ago and with a little perseverance I now enjoy it and have found my own uses for it. Just as I get happy and comfortable with it, something new has come along.
I think Twitter does exactly what it says on the tin, and is ideal for short messages, alerts and announcements.
I think the Police really do have a place on Twitter as do organisations like London Midland.
You only have to look at WMP Helicopter to realise how much Twitter has helped raise their profile and our understanding of their role and the updates from some of our SNT, Shirley and Kenilworth appear to be really in to it and doing really well.
Twitter is quick and short and G+ is a bit scary but once again with perseverance I am sure I will grow to like it. My little mind is working O/T and I can see some great uses for some of the tools.
Lets see how I feel in a few months time!
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