Please note this is a report and is not Minutes
The Parish Council met on Thursday 18th August 2011 at 19.30 hours in Earlswood Village Hall.
Four members of the public and District Councillor Oakley, District Councillor Atkinson and County Councillor Perry were present.
Three residents from Malthouse Lane spoke for three minutes each regarding the strip of land outside 61 and 63 Malthouse Lane. This land is included in a parcel of land at the entrance to Malthouse Lane Park in Malthouse Lane which Stratford District Council are looking to transfer to the Parish Council. The residents gave a brief history of the land, its historical and current maintenance, which they carry out at their own expense. They emphasised their wish to purchase the strip and to take it on officially as their own property, making it part of their gardens. The Parish Council were asked to seriously consider the request and as a gesture of goodwill transfer the land accordingly to the residents. The item will be discussed at a future meeting. Councillor Oakley stressed that the issue is currently under review at Stratford District Council and cannot be discussed until SDC have offered us their proposal. Councillor Willmott informed the Council that a cabinet meeting is due to be held in September where Stratford District Council will consider all proposals.
Mr Redfern, resident of Malthouse Lane raised his concerns of continued drug usage in the keyhole of the park and was advised by Council to contact PCSO Dave Martin.
The Parish Council were questioned re their decision not to take part in discussions with residents regarding 133 The Common. Councillor Willmott reiterated that the Parish Council will not be supporting a housing application to change the use of the site.
Jenny Buckley confirmed the success of the recent lakes clean up and noted that 22 tyres were found and 50 bags of rubbish were disposed of.
Report from County Councillor Perry :
Councillor Perry is currently investigating issues surrounding uncut hedgerow on bridleways, especially in Aspley Heath.
Councillor Perry recommended that the Parish Council invest in the Speedaware scheme, for £250 the parish can have a survey and speedwatch over a period of time at various locations.
The final drawings of the crossroads alterations are being considered and Highways are hopeful for the changes to be implemented before the winter.
A bid has being submitted for a speed change on Forshaw Heath lane. After a recent survey it was found that the average speed of over 3000 cars was 45mph. The lowest speed allowed for the road is 50mph due to intermittent houses and current street lighting. Councillor Perry was reassured by the average speeds and hoped that a reduction to 50mph may slow traffic further again.
The weight restriction on the bridge at Forshaw Heath Road will remain at 17tonne.
A big blue motorway sign will be erected in the near future at Junction 3 on the M42 to prevent lorries mistakenly taking the B road instead of the motorway and with the reduced speed limit the road should become a lot safer.
Worcester have confirmed that they will not be closing Alderhanger Lane, they are considering narrowing the lane but there are fears this will make the road more private and encourage antisocial activities. There has been an increased police patrol which has reduced activity recently.
The manhole covers in Broad Lane have now been repaired and Councillor Perry is chasing the repairs to potholes in Bates Lane.
Warwickshire residents will have a bigger say in health and care services as Warwickshire County Council has been awarded pathfinder status, taking effect in 2012.
Report from District Councillor Atkinson:
There will be a meeting re Alderhanger Lane before the end of August regarding the way forward.
Odours in Springbrook Lane have been reported, Councillor Atkinson to chase those residents who have yet to complain to Severn Trent to encourage them to do so.
The following Planning Applications were considered:
11/01622/EXTBeaumont Hill Farm, Broad Lane
11/01620/EXT Beaumont Hill Farm, Broad Lane
11/00615/FUL Nuthurst Grange Hotel, Nuthurst Grange Road
11/01580/FUL 91 Malthouse Lane
Councillor Willmott confirmed that the Village Hall Trustees are waiting to hear from their application for Big Lottery funding to assist in the museum extension and will inform the Parish Council in due course of the outcome.
Highways are aware of missing drain covers in the parish and have temporarily filled the holes with warning cones.
The full minutes are available on our website or from the Parish Office in Earlswood Craft Centre, Wood Lane. The next meeting will be on October 20th at Earlswood Village Hall and November 17th at Tanworth Village Hall at 7.30pm. Anyone is welcome to come and listen or if you have an issue that you would like to raise, there is a Public Forum at 7.30pm. If you would like us to start e-mailing a Parish Newsletter, please just e-mail the parish office at and we will add you to our circulation list. If anyone has an issue which they would like us to pass on to PCSO Dave Martin, please give us the details and we will pass them on. If the matter is of a confidential nature, then you are welcome to leave a sealed envelope in the parish office addressed to PCSO Dave Martin and we will hand it over unopened. Don’t forget that PCSO Martin will be giving crime prevention advice or addressing local concerns at his mobile police surgeries which are on the first Friday of each month for a trial period.