Please note this is a report and is not minutes
The Parish Council met on Thursday 20th October 2011 at 19.30 hours in Earlswood Village Hall.
3 members of the public and District Councillors Atkinson and Oakley were present at the meeting. County Council Perry had sent his apologies.
Two members of the public gave their reasons for wanting to keep the lay-by on the A435 by Alderhanger Lane open. It was stated that ‘gentlemen of the night’ have used the area for many years and that the lay-by is used by lorry drivers to take a break and when the lay-by was closed it caused a great inconvenience. The members of the public also stated that they see no merit in the narrowing of the lane which has been mentioned in the past. Whilst horse riding when the lay-by was closed, riders were forced to go on the main road to Tanworth Lane because they couldn’t get past the concrete blocks, which was very dangerous. The County Council paid to move lights at the end of Alderhanger Lane , which would be a waste of money if the concrete blocks are put back in place to close the lay-by. District Councillor Atkinson reported that the rest area on the A435 is the responsibility of Worcestershire County Council and confirmed that the working party was reconvening on 25th October. Councillor Atkinson stated that he will ensure that all reports are referred to the Parish Council. The matter was discussed at length with some councillors being of the opinion that too many lay-bys are closing, making it hard to stop for a rest if you are on the road. PCSO Martin had reported to the clerk that with the nights drawing in there is an increase in undesirable activity. It was felt that the best course of action would be to keep the vegetation clear and for regular police patrols to monitor the situation but leaving the lay-by open. It was agreed that the Parish Council should write to the action group stating that they support keeping the lay-by open, but would like the undergrowth cut right back and regular police patrols of the area.
Councillor Atkinson stated he has tried to get detailed information about the proposed boundary changes. As far as he is aware Warwickshire and West Midlands will be reduced from 34 to 31 constituencies and Tanworth In Arden, Earlswood and Ullenhall will come under the new constituency of Dorridge and Kenilworth . The idea is to create constituencies of around 75,000 electorates. Councillor Atkinson is still trying to secure more detailed information. District Councillor Oakley reported that 50 MPs will have to lose their jobs. The District Council are reviewing the parish positions but key issues will stay in the parish. The District Council have obtained an injunction against Summer Poultry Products Ltd, Summers Holdings Ltd and the Directors. Summers Poultry can apply to the court to change the order under Condition 6 -‘Liberty to Apply’. District Councillor Oakley stated that the law still allows Summers Poultry to put in as many planning applications as they want, but the case is drawing to an end. The directors have all pleaded guilty and remanded to Crown Court. Stratford on Avon District Council expects to cover their costs and get damages. Summers have to demolish any unauthorised buildings by January 19th 2012.
Residents of Malthouse Lane have been in touch with Councillor Atkinson about street signage for the Orbit Housing development in the keyhole. Councillor Atkinson reported that there is still £37,000 unallocated from the 106 agreement put in place following the development of The Maltings in Malthouse Lane . He will see if he can secure any money from this fund to pay for the signage.
Councillor Oakley stated that based on data obtained from surveys at the Community Forums, the State of the District Report is very favourable and the Chief Executive Officer of Stratford District Council is very pleased. The development of Neighbourhood Plans is seen as important and there is a need for greater collaboration with neighbouring councils.
The following Planning Applications were considered:
Moat House, Salter Street ; Woodlands Farm, Cut Throat Lane
Members of the Parish Council had previously been given a Heads of Terms from Stratford District Council regarding the transfer of land from Stratford District Council to the Parish Council. This land is by the entrance to the park in Malthouse Lane . Concern was expressed over the fact that it states that the transferee has to comply with future covenants. The Clerk is to ask Stratford District Council if that could be removed before we proceed any further.
Following a report that some villagers had offered to pay for work on the tree on the village green, Councillor Stanton had inspected the tree to see what was wrong with it. She had reported that the tree on had some cracks in the trunk. The damage was possibly caused by children climbing the tree. It was suggested that a tree guard of approx 10’ diameter could be erected around the tree to protect it. The Clerk will get a report from a tree specialist and decide the best course of action. Areas of concern around the parish were reported as: Bonfires around the lakes and a broken manhole in Malthouse Lane .
The full minutes are available on our website or from the Parish Office in Earlswood Craft Centre, Wood Lane . The next meeting will be on December 15th at Earlswood Village Hall and January 19th at Tanworth Village Hall at 7.30pm. Anyone is welcome to come and listen or if you have an issue that you would like to raise, there is a Public Forum at 7.30pm. If you would like us to start e-mailing a Parish Newsletter, please just e-mail the parish office at and we will add you to our circulation list. If anyone has an issue which they would like us to pass on to PCSO Dave Martin, please give us the details and we will pass them on. If the matter is of a confidential nature, then you are welcome to leave a sealed envelope in the parish office addressed to PCSO Dave Martin and we will hand it over unopened. Don’t forget that PCSO Martin will be giving crime prevention advice or addressing local concerns at his mobile police surgeries which are on the first Friday of each month for a trial period. For further details on the mobile surgeries contact PCSO Martin on 07923 288641.