Please Note Parish Council Report Not Minutes
The Parish Council met on Thursday 17th November 2011 at 19.30 hours in Tanworth Village Hall.
12 members of the public, together with District Councillor Atkinson, District Councillor Oakley and County Council Perry were present at the meeting.
Members of the public expressed their concern at the Parish Council’s decision to support keeping the lay-by open on the A435 by Alderhanger Lane . One gentleman reported that whilst the lay-by was closed, residents were no longer subject to cars cruising up and down, residents could resume dog walking without fear of seeing a sexual act taking place and fly-tipping had become non-existent. Since the lay-by has re-opened fly tipping has resumed, the woods and verges are now used as a toilet, the ditches are damaged and the sexual activities have resumed. The site is now advertised on the internet as a D****** site. It was felt that by supporting to keep the lay-by open the Parish Council were giving support to all of the aforementioned issues. The Alderhanger Lane Action Group brought about a temporary solution with the closure of the lay-by but there are many possible solutions which are documented, not all about the closure of the lay-by. The Action Group feel that the site needs to be managed and the problems dealt with but because the site borders different authorities, no-one wants to take control of the area.
Another member of the public forum said that not all the people in Alderhanger Lane have got a problem. She reported that there have been ‘gentlemen’ there for many years. People still walk their dogs and ride horses in the area and she has never seen anything upsetting in the area in over 30 years. She felt that people in Alderhanger Lane are not affected and the lay-by should not be closed. She stated that when the lay-by was closed and the area was flooded she has to walk home in the dark across the fields with a torch.
PCSO Martin stated that the area came under West Mercia Police, but he had numerous conversations with them and he confirmed that he believes there has been an increase in activity, but it has not reached the level that it was at previously.
County Councillor Perry stated that the previous closure of the lay-by had always been a temporary closure and that a resident had forced the re-opening of it when he submitted a planning application. He said that in the past many options had been investigated such as keeping the vegetation cut right back, installation of lighting, patrols, blocking the area from cars, etc. The police are aware of the problem and patrols have been stepped up. Cllr Perry suggested that perhaps CCTV cameras to record car registration numbers and keeping the vegetation low could be a solution.
Councillor Stanton reiterated that the closure of the lay-by was only ever temporary. Councillor Keogh felt that the issue of fly tipping is not exclusive to this area and this problem exists in other areas. Councillor Oakley said that we shouldn’t lose sight of the fact that there are flooding problems in the area which need to be addressed. He also pointed out that the lay-by belongs to Worcestershire County Council and the Parish Council never asked for it to be re-opened. He also stated that the burger van is licensed and not illegal. He feels that all of the issues need to be addressed. The matter will be discussed further at December’s committee meeting.
Mr Dearing came along to the meeting to ask for support from the parish council for his planning application for a glasshouse at Hill Farm Cottage. He stated that if his cottage wasn’t listed he could have the glasshouse under Permitted Development Rights.
Mr Greening spoke about the Gypsy site in Poolhead Lane. He said that the parish council supported the Poolhead Residents’ previously and asked for support again when the expected planning application for change of use of the land to a residential gypsy site is submitted when the temporary permission expires early next year.
County Councillor Perry gave his report: He confirmed that the owners of Field House in Tithe Barn Lane have agreed to take down their front wall and move it back as it encroached on to the verge. This is likely to happen after Christmas.
There has been a site meeting about Bridleway SD268 in Aspley Heath. The cost to solve the flooding problem will be in the region of £6,000 to £6,500. This is an ongoing problem. £680 would pay for a specialist clean, but the landowner needs to agree.
Earlswood Common will close for bridge joint repairs from 12th – 17th December between 22.00 hrs and 06.00hrs.
The work on the other side of Shutt Lane is starting soon.
Councillor Perry will see what money is available to carry out improvements to Umberslade Road and Cut Throat Lane. These improvements will cost in the region of £12,000 - £15,000.
The cost to divert the gas supply which runs alongside The Reservoir in Valley Road would cost £50,000. Councillor Perry has stressed the need to put extra funding in to improve this junction and he is still trying.
A Community Grant of £1,500 has been awarded to The Museum to go towards their extension.
Vehicle Activated Signs (VAS) are to put on Shutt Lane and The Common.
There were 89 chimney fires in the Stratford area last year. People with open fires are encouraged to call Smart Cleaning Log on 01789 751 527 to ensure that their chimney is fire safe.
279 people died from the cold last year. Act On Energy provide free and impartial advice on conserving energy and they can be contacted on 0800 988 2881 between 9am – 5pm, Monday to Friday.
The County Council have good stocks of grit. Some parishes have Snow Wardens and they have access to extra grit.
Councillor Atkinson gave his report:
He stated that Alderhanger Lane is a problem. He is disappointed about the withdrawal of support from the Parish Council because the position of the Action Group is weakened.
In the parish report, the parish council had previously raised the point that an application for a garden room in Blind Lane which would take the property over 30% had to be withdrawn because they applicants were advised by SDC that permission wouldn’t be granted. But another property in Vicarage Hill had been granted permission for a conservatory that would take them well over the 30%. Councillor Atkinson pointed out that the property in Vicarage Hill was able to take advantage of the Permitted Development Rights that were available to them.
District Councillor Oakley gave his report:
The next Community Forum which is on December 15th at Wootton Wawen Village Hall will focus on health issues.
Councillor Oakley reported on a policing and policy issue. The Chief Constable has withdrawn premises so that the PCSO has to cycle from Alcester if he does not have access to a vehicle. A group in Henley are looking at ways to provide a base at no cost to the Chief Constable. They are discussing taking over the empty police station in Henley and use it as a community facility. They already have £5,000 towards the £10,000 needed. Councillor Oakley suggested that 2 or 3 parishes join with the group to see if it is viable to provide the police/PCSOs with a base to operate out of. Alternatively, a group of parishes could look in to providing a vehicle as a base. Councillor Oakley asked if the parish council would be interested in having a representative on this group to try and find some way to keep a police base. Councillor Instone volunteered to sit on the committee. County Councillor Perry said that the police station is on a 99 year lease and it will cost £100,000-£125,000 to take over this lease. Councillor Perry felt that the £5,000 is for use towards setting up the community library. There is still no venue for the library. The idea of the police not having a base is so that police don’t have to go back to the police station to make reports. It makes the system more flexible and gives the police a higher profile as they are more mobile. Councillor Perry feels that more time is needed to give this new system a chance to see if it works.
The Clerk and Councillor Stanton had met with Ron Hill of Warwickshire Wildlife to discuss the wildlife area adjacent to Malthouse Lane Leisure Park. Ron had looked at the area to the rear of 25 Malthouse Lane with a view to creating a wild flower meadow. This area had been cleared by a previous resident. He identified what was growing there currently and gave some suggestions of suitable species to try planting. It was also suggested that fruit trees could be planted along the edge of the park next to the lakes. This will be discussed at a future meeting.
The following Planning Applications were considered:
Obelisk Farm, Umberslade, The Pigeon Barn, Poolhead Lane, Claremont House, Broad Lane and Hill Farm Cottage, Vicarage Hill.
Councillor Stanton reported that 4 or 5 branches had been cut off the tree on The Green by person or persons unknown. No work should be carried out on a tree in the conservation area without planning permission. The Clerk handed out two reports on the state of the tree. Both reports were of the opinion that the tree needs to come down as it is diseased. The Parish Council will put this item on the next agenda and discuss the way forward. Councillor Willmott put forward a draft budget, proposing that the precept remain unchanged but money is factored into the budget money for a jubilee project, especially in light of the fact that the tree on the village green will need to be replaced.
Councillor Willmott proposed that the lease for the proposed new office is signed as soon as possible and that the Parish Council lends the Village Hall Trustees enough money to allow them to have the extension to the museum. It is hoped that they will have raised funds to pay this loan off within the year. Councillor Willmott will arrange to meet with the village hall trustees to discuss this proposal.
Areas of concern around the parish were reported as: Kerb damaged on the village green opposite The Bell.
The full minutes are available on our website or from the Parish Office in Earlswood Craft Centre, Wood Lane. The next meeting will be on January 19th at Tanworth Village Hall and February 16th at Earlswood Village Hall at 7.30pm. Anyone is welcome to come and listen or if you have an issue that you would like to raise, there is a Public Forum at 7.30pm. If you would like us to start e-mailing a Parish Newsletter, please just e-mail the parish office at and we will add you to our circulation list. If anyone has an issue which they would like us to pass on to PCSO Dave Martin, please give us the details and we will pass them on. If the matter is of a confidential nature, then you are welcome to leave a sealed envelope in the parish office addressed to PCSO Dave Martin and we will hand it over unopened. Don’t forget that PCSO Martin will be giving crime prevention advice or addressing local concerns at his mobile police surgeries which are on the first Friday of each month for a trial period. For further details on the mobile surgeries contact PCSO Martin on 07923 288641.