The amount of hits I have had on my blog with the wording Dickens Hill is unusual. It wasn't until I googled Dickens Hill I realised the press were talking about Dickens Heath. Except they had renamed it Dickens Hill
To start off with where an earth is Dickens Hill Solihull shouldn’t that read Dickens Heath.
To start off with where an earth is Dickens Hill Solihull shouldn’t that read Dickens Heath.
Lazy Press reporting by various news organisations.
Does any one in Earlswood know where Dickens Hill is?
Does anyone in Solihull know where Dickens Hill is?
Is There a Dickens Hill in Solihull
National Press get it wrong. It's Dickens Heath
So if they got a simple thing like location wrong in one report! What other facts in other reports are wrong?
So if they got a simple thing like location wrong in one report! What other facts in other reports are wrong?