Well its that time of year, I looked at my blog yesterday and decided it could do with a bit of a spring clean and a little bit of neatness. So could my house but that's been put on the back burner for the moment. I suspect it was the lovely sunshine and the clear sky that prompted me to have a change around.
The method behind my madness is that all things official are on the left hand side and top tabs and all things of interest and social media type things are on the right and in the middle is my ramblings and musings.
As I tinkered with the blog, I once again couldn't get over the amount of freely available tools and web applications that are out there. It is a wonder that anyone pays for anything web orientated any more. With a bit of time and interest it is all out there ready to be used by the likes of you and I.
I suppose once you get over the snobbery of having someone else's logo or name your on your way.Remind me to provide a list of tried and tested links to all the available free software that has proved so useful for personal and work purposes. There appears to be something for everyone and every purpose and I suspect I have only just scratched the surface.
I have to say whilst looking at my blog it could do with a few more visual effects. As I look at it now it is a blog full of text and there really isn't anything stimulating about it. Which is great if you want information and don't mind reading a lot. I suppose the next task is to find a few photos.
This time last year I started tweeting I now have it on the mobile phone and enjoy the odd update and find it useful. Facebook! I am still struggling with Facebook and can't quite get to grips with it. However I know from just talking to people there is a need to do both as there are those that Love Facebook and those that love Twitter.
The other thing I have tried is Wordpress for blogging once again I can't quite get to grips with it and am not sure if I like it or not. The one thing I have tried and dislike is Google + and I really can't put my finger on why I dislike it. Which is strange because I prefer Google Chrome over Internet Explorer, I prefer Google Search over the Microsoft Bing. I don't like the way my Blog looks in Internet Explorer but do prefer how it looks in Google Chrome However I prefer microsoft hotmail over google mail and I really don't know why!
Do I want my Blog to famous, Nah I certainly don't do I want it to be informative, Yes I do! Do I want to share my thoughts? Yes I suppose I do otherwise I wouldn't have started it in the first place. There is so much to think about
The other thing I have tried is Wordpress for blogging once again I can't quite get to grips with it and am not sure if I like it or not. The one thing I have tried and dislike is Google + and I really can't put my finger on why I dislike it. Which is strange because I prefer Google Chrome over Internet Explorer, I prefer Google Search over the Microsoft Bing. I don't like the way my Blog looks in Internet Explorer but do prefer how it looks in Google Chrome However I prefer microsoft hotmail over google mail and I really don't know why!
Do I want my Blog to famous, Nah I certainly don't do I want it to be informative, Yes I do! Do I want to share my thoughts? Yes I suppose I do otherwise I wouldn't have started it in the first place. There is so much to think about