What a shame about Whitney Houston. I just don't understand why such talented people who reach fame and fortune appear to hit the self destruct button.
Obviously the cause of Whitney Houstons death has not been revealed as of yet but I was thinking of the last few troubled years where she was reported has having addictions of one sort of another.
What causes these people to do this type of thing? The world is their oyster they can do anything they like. They don't even need to perform if they don't want to. Perhaps it is just that they have nothing else to achieve and are just bored stupid.
You never know it may be something just as simple as the viewing public have an unrealistic perception of a young talented singer and actress and have an expectation that the real person is the one portrayed in the film "Body Guard" when in actual fact it may be the furthest thing from the truth.
The stress of keeping up an expected persona must be incredible. Can you imagine never being able to be yourself because the whole world expect you to be someone different. It must be like living in a a goldfish bowl.