As I start to update my blog and give it a makeover. I realise something about myself. I hate things being out of date or incorrect it really irritates me. Once again the 3rd year running I am trying to promote Parish Council Meetings make dates of meetings available to my small audience and once again I am presented with the 2011 meeting dates not 2012 last year it was 2010 not 2011 and the year before 2009 not 2010. I have to say I am fed up of being discrete and giving gentle reminders. I only hope when the new PC website is created such a simple basic thing will be up to date.
Well here you go, Crime Stats for November 2020 for Alcester North, Once on the page hover over the hot spots to get a break down for your village or town, I still think this is a great tool. Just a reminder the tool is provided by and is for anywhere England As always I have set the default search area for Alcester North. Click Here to Access Crime Map For Alcester North