Please note this is a Parish Report not Minutes
Parish Magazine Report from February 2012
Parish Magazine Report from February 2012
The Parish Council met on Thursday 16th February at 19.30 hours in Earlswood Village Hall. 3 members of the public together with District Councillor Atkinson and County Council Perry were present at the meeting.
John Hadley addressed the Parish Council about the state of the public footpaths. He reported that he has made numerous efforts over the past few years to contact the relevant person at Warwickshire County Council about the state of the footpaths from Poolhead Lane to Yew Tree Farm and on to Forshaw Heath Lane (SD272 and SD272c) and has heard nothing back.
The applicant for planning permission at Red Roofs in Bates Lane reported that despite the drawing on the plans she has no intention of having a high wall built at the front of the property.
Councillor Perry’s Report:
• There would be 0% increase in Council Tax.
• There was a meeting recently to discuss improvements at the crossroads at The Common. He reported that the cost to move the utilities which run down the side of The Reservoir in Valley Road will be £110,000. He also reported that no-one is sure who owns the grassed area on the corner and the County Council need to be sure of ownership before they can proceed. The trees
have been appraised by the Arboricultural Officer at the County Council. He has reported that the Beech trees are not in good condition but the Horse Chestnut is. They would like to take the Beech trees out and save the Horse Chestnut. These trees will be replaced with something more suited to the conditions. Councillor Perry is sorry that the trees would have to be removed, but feels that the safety aspect is of more importance. It is likely to be 2013 before
anything happens.
• Councillor Perry reported that at a recent seminar he managed to secure £30,000 for
Earlswood. £15,000 is to be used in putting electronic signs on The Common and Valley Road and £15,000 is to go towards reducing the speed limit in Forshaw Heath. Jenny Buckley askedCouncillor Perry if the 30mph is intended for the length of The Common or just through the village. Councillor Perry replied that this is ongoing and he will be led by the officers.
• Councillor Perry reported that the Government had given £3.7m to the County Council to advance broadband in villages and rural areas. The County Council is putting in money as well and wants parishes to respond to the consultation to see where the need is greatest. The county council is encouraging people to sign up. For information about the project email
• A freephone helpline has been set up in Warwickshire to help vulnerable and older people keep
warm and well. The freephone number 0800 988 2881 is available from Monday to Friday from 9.00am – 5.00pm to ensure people receive help and advice during periods of cold weather.
• Councillor Perry reported that exam results were good again this year with a rise in students
gaining 5 Grade A* - C for the 4th consecutive year. Since 2007 the figure for students
obtaining 5 or more Grade A* - C has risen by 13%.
• Highways have put in an objection to the planning application for Oakhurst in Hockley Heath
as they need to be sure that there is a sufficient turning area.
• Blind Lane is closed from 7th February for urgent repair work.
District Councillor Atkinson’s Report:
Councillor Atkinson’s report concentrated on the Draft Core Strategy: He explained that the Draft Core Strategy is a strategic document which provides a broad framework for determining planning
applications. Across the district, 8000 new dwellings are targeted to year 2028 as at 1st April 2011 with 2,400 accounted for as being under construction. This means that there are 5,600 dwellings to be constructed within the next 15 years. The wider dispersal policy and the preferred approach for allocation is: Stratford – 560 dwellings (10%), main rural centres – 1680 dwellings (30%), local service villages – 2,800 dwellings (50%), and rural Brownfield sites – 560 dwellings. Councillor Atkinson reported that our parish is classed as a local service village. Whilst there are 39 local service villages to distribute the 2,800 dwellings across it still means that the average requirement for new houses is 70 per local service village. Councillor Atkinson pointed out that the rural Brownfield sites which are only expected to account for 10% of the new houses (560) are spread between approximately 50 settlements. For any housing development in local service villages, a minimum of 35% of the proposed
residential floorspace on a site that is suitable for accommodating 5 or more dwellings will be required as affordable housing. District Councillor Atkinson also pointed out that there is a proposal in the Draft Core Strategy for the
creation of a Country Park based on Earlswood Lakes, Clowes Wood and New Fallings Coppice. Councillor Willmott declared the meeting open and apologies were received from Councillors Bettam,Oakley, Jones, Fitzpatrick and Havard. Councillor Perry offered to look into the footpaths complaint personally and go and see the relevant person at County Council. The planning application for Red Roofs, Bates Lane (12/00238/FUL) was considered and the Parish Council made no representation for the extension to the house, but objected to the height of the wall and gates as shown on the plans as previously mentioned by the applicant in the public forum. Planning application 11/02856/LDE at
Westley Plant Ltd was also considered and Parish Council made comment that they would like the residential curtilage checked.
A grant application from Earlswood Luncheon Club was considered but members wanted to see proper accounts before making their decision so this will be considered at a future meeting. £1000 was donated to the Luncheon Club last year.
It was decided that the Parish Council’s response to the Draft Core Strategy will be the main focus at the next meeting on March 15th. The working party for the tree on the village green have got the necessary planning permission required to take the tree down and have obtained quotes to carry out the work.
The Clerk confirmed that arrangements are progressing for the Olympic torch to pass through Earlswood during the morning of July 1st. It is planned to hold an event on The Reservoir car park and in the grounds at the rear of the pub with a barbecue and music. If anyone is interested in having a stall at the event, please contact The Clerk. Volunteers are needed to hang the bunting. If anyone can help hang the bunting or if anyone has any bunting which we can borrow please contact The Clerk.
Councillor Willmott reported that the new parish council office building work is progressing nicely.
Councillor O’Brien requested that night fishing at Earlswood Lakes is put forward to The Community Forum.
Items Around the Parish were noted as - Give Way warning sign broken on southbound Tithe Barn Lane at Broad Lane, at the junction of Tom Hill and Broad Lane, direction sign about to fall over. At Knowlebury Cross coming Southbound in to village on Tom Hill arrow direction signs have fallen down. Bollards not illuminated at junction of The Common/Broad Lane and Bollards outside the school rusty and need attention.
The full minutes are available on our website or from the Parish Office in Earlswood Craft Centre, Wood Lane.
The next meeting will be at Earlswood Village Hall on April 19th and then at Tanworth Village Hall on May 17th. Anyone is welcome to come and listen or if you have an issue that you would like to raise, there is a Public Forum at 7.30pm. If you would like us to start e-mailing a Parish Newsletter, please just e-mail the parish office at and we will add you to our circulation list. If anyone has a matter which they would like us to pass
on to PCSO Dave Martin, please give us the details and we will pass them on. If it is of a confidential nature, then you are welcome to leave a sealed envelope in the parish office addressed to PCSO Dave Martin and we will hand it over unopened. Don’t forget that PCSO Martin will be giving crime prevention advice or addressing local concerns at his mobile police surgeries which are on the first Friday of each month. You can contact PCSO Martin on 07923 288641.