OK so I am back onto the Grand National.
I have read that the owner of Sycronised will not put another horse through the traumas of the Grand National. As a horse liker I thank him for that and realise that it may be a huge gesture in the Horse Racing World.
However what I didn’t realise was this beautiful animal threw his rider prior to the start of the race!
Most of us have 4 legged friends with tails, know our animals speak to us in one way or another whether it be Cat, Dog, Horse, Pet Rat, Pet Mouse whether we understand them is a different matter.
From reading the press reports Sycronised was a long standing family friend, what I don’t understand is if s/he had thrown its rider immediately previous to the race, why wasn’t the animal’s instincts trusted and taken into account by those responsible.
However simplistic it may be if a Horse kicks it’s rider off there is a reason.
- It doesn’t want to be ridden
- It doesn’t want to race
- It doesn’t want to jump
- It doesn’t like what it is being asked to do
- It’s spooked and not comfortable
Personally my gut instinct is point number 5
I don’t understand why anything is put to sleep in this day and age for a broken leg or displaced hip.
I am not a horse owner but I do think they are brilliant animals, so if you can point me right please feel free to do so.
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