Well I have had my new phone since February and just haven’t bothered to get use to it or explore it. To be perfectly honest it took me a while to get use to the one I had two years ago and still haven’t quite got to grips with the old one.
Courtesy of my mobile phone provider who kindly sent me a new one which appears to be even more complicated.
I have just found out I can post pictures straight to twitter and G-plus as and when I take them, I am not quite sure why I would want to do that but I suspect I will find a use for it.
Now I have found out with the Google Plus account it tells people exactly where I am. I am not so sure I like that facility so I rushed to try and find out how I turn it off.
I hate the keypad on my new phone it is so small and almost impossible to type anything on it. My god it goes on line and I can tell Google to look for something, not that it understands me at all but I suppose it’s quicker than typing. However I feel a bit daft giving one word commands in to it. Don’t think I would do it in public.
All in all I suppose its something new and will take time to get use to it. I expect I will find my favourite features and stick with them until the next new phone comes along, where there will be something else new to find out about.
Wow just found out I can blog with it as well :-)
Wow just found out I can blog with it as well :-)