After a long day at work and having worked one of my very few late shifts last night, I couldn't wait to get home collapse into bed ready to start my few days off.
As I entered the platform on Snowhill Station I just knew there was something wrong and my dreams of collapsing into bed were shattered by the Guard of the Dorrige train wandering up and down the platform trying to relay why the train was still sat at the station instead of making its way to Dorrige.
It was hopeless I couldn't hear the announcements over the noise of the engine of the train, the Guard wasn't really that sure what was going on or how long the delay was.
There was only one thing left to do! yep you guessed turn my faithful phone on and make my way to twitter.
I think it was David Tweeting last night and as always (in my case) there were the updates in real time. The information I required to make an informed decision as to whether I should stay on the station or make my way home using a different mode of transport was readily available.
Its been years since I caught a bus from town to anywhere and I really did go on a magical mystery tour. I happened to catch a number 5 which said Shirley but went round the wreakin. I got off when it reached Haslacks Green Road I walked as far as Shirley Station by which time the OH came to pick me up and take me to Whitlocks End to collect my little auto mobile by 22:16 hours I was home.
I logged in only to see the reams of tweets from London Midland keeping other passengers up to date and was only to glad I hadn't made the decision to wait at Snowhill. It was no good moaning or complaining things break and it at sometimes take time to mend.
The motto of this story I for one was really pleased with the information available on Twitter, the way the updates were presented and the way questions were handled and ultimately I was only 1 and a quarter hours later than I normally would be.
On this Occasion I think there was great use of Social Media and keeping people up to date. So its sad the signals broke and I was late but it was good I was kept up to date and could make an informed decision as to how I was going to get home.
Thank you
Now pondering if I can get a paid job Tweeting ;-)
Thank you
Now pondering if I can get a paid job Tweeting ;-)
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