Oh what it is to be British! Another Bank Holiday another special occasion and I wake up to rain and a dull day. So I decided to show my patriotic side by decorating my blog .
I really do hope the weather cheers up. I can’t help but think of all those people that have done so much work organising Jubilee events to bring their communities together.
Just for once I hope the sun will come out and shine or at least it stays dry. Mind you us mad British don’t tend to let the rain stop us from celebrating such an event. Oh well I suppose we have 4 days at least one of them might be good.
I was pondering on what I would do to celebrate the jubilee I did think about decorating the shed if Mum were around there would be no getting away from flags and bunting strewn around the garden.
Although I was away at the time when Princess Di and Prince Charles got married she made Dad take the TV outside and spent the whole day with her bunting friends and TV watching the wedding drinking tea and eating cakes.
I still have the photos. I was thinking what she would have done if it had poured down with rain. No problems she would have just taken most the decorations inside and done something else quirky.
Memo to ones self. Dig the photos out :-)