Like most of us I don’t
like crime however my attention has been drawn to a telegraph article, naming
and shaming criminals even showing mug shots.
OK I think it is fine if
you are looking for someone connected with a crime to publish a mug shot,
However I think publishing
photos of those who have already been convicted of a crime which I assume means
they may be in prison or serving a sentence is slightly counter productive.
My reason for thinking this
is there are so many organisations trying to rehabilitate those that have
committed crimes and settle them back in to society as law abiding citizens is
all very commendable however all the work is undone by naming and shaming all
over the web.
It means they won’t get a
job which means they won’t have money which means they will fall back into
crime in order to survive.
As I say I can understand it
if Police are trying to track a suspect but not if they are already convicted
and serving a sentence. It is counter productive.
In short
If we name and shame we are
not in a position to rehabilitate.
If we rehabilitate we are
not in a position to name and shame.
Just a few thoughts