The Green Belt isn't just about those lucky enough to live
in it. The Green Belt’s original aim was to make some aspects of the
Countryside accessible to those that live in the Cities and urban areas
for rest and relaxation purposes.
The way I feel is the
more we eat away at the Green Belt the
further away and unreachable it becomes
to those it was meant to serve in the first place.
The people that call us Green Belt Dwellers NIMBY S are quite
If NIMBY S don’t look after the Green Belt you won’t have it any more and the further you will have to go to visit the Countryside.
If NIMBY S don’t look after the Green Belt you won’t have it any more and the further you will have to go to visit the Countryside.
If I turned the tables and started pulling down some of the beautiful unused buildings and replacing their concrete foundations with a field or a park may be a 3 bed-roomed cottage and do exactly the same to some of the boarded up unused houses.
Those people that enjoy City living and the hustle and bustle would have exactly the same battle albeit visa versa .
You would want to know why I was demolishing a town center and replacing it with fields like I want to know why it is acceptable to destroy
the Countryside and cover it in concrete
It’s a vicious circle
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