I have to say before I start this post my family nor I have ever been in the position Locally of not receiving care whilst in hospital.
My OH and I had a very rude wake up call whilst one of us was donating bone marrow in a beautiful tall glass building in London.
a) The food was so inedible it was a quick trip to Tescos bring your own (Disgraceful)
b) The Nurse noticed the temperature going up on the donor and was very concerned but failed to notice until pointed from a non medical person that a thermal blanket was still wrapped around the patient.
Please note we can't fault the well meaningness and kindness of the people involved but the very basics were missed.
As I listened to the news this morning it was almost a replay of a conversation my Father had with me last week. We happened to be chatting about the NHS which to cut a long story short led on to the “when I was a boy type story”
I couldn’t believe my ears this morning with the “new” Nurses must spend a year in basic care. Actually from listening to my father and his experience all those years ago that is exactly what used to happen. Nurses did some form of basic training in a ward/hospital, apprenticeship whatever you would like to call it. There were certain basic standards expected,
- Clean beds
- Clean wards
- Clean patients
- Fed and watered patients
- Toileted
- Cared for Patients
I have had a shock today as a member of the general public and I am not that old but I would have thought Nurses were already adept at basic care.
Then again I suppose if you have had to go to Uni to be a Nurse you learn all the theory of the basics but have actually never had to spend a lot of time doing the basics
I personally suspect the basics have been subcontracted out personal opinion only.
Basically Nursing is the same as any other profession if the basics aren't right and a set standard and consistent nothing else will be and I still believe managers can’t manage unless they have done the job they are responsible and accountable for managing and that goes for any organisation or trade.
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