Earlswood Wildlife Partnership
Contact us at: ewp2010@btinternet.com or on 07528 595444 Newsletter 14
It has been quite a while since the last newsletter and the summer may now be over but we did have had a decent summer this year and it seems there were quite a few butterflies around particularly the whites and Small Tortoiseshell – hopefully this will show up in our Butterfly survey.
Moth Night – 13th July
An excellent evening of moth trapping in Clowes Wood with 64 species recorded including Northern Spinach, Beautiful Snout and Sharp-angled Carpet which particularly pleased county recorder David Brown.
(If you would like a complete list of the species caught, please let me know)
Our bat walks continue to be very popular with 50 people attending the latest one! Once again the bats did not let us down and the following were recorded:-
Soprano Pipistrelle = 108 files recorded (first bat appeared at 8.28pm)
Common Pipistrelle = 43 files recorded (first bat appeared at 9.05pm)
Daubenton’s bat = 2 files recorded (first bat appeared at 8.45pm)
Noctule = 5 files recorded (first bat appeared at 8.37pm)
Brown Long-eared bat = 2 files recorded (first bat appeared at 8.58pm)
Thanks again to Paul for his excellent and informative commentary.
As part of a research project run by Phil Brown of Bristol University, two harp traps were set up in Clowes Wood. In all eight bats were caught representing five different species:-
3 Noctule
2 Brown long-eared
1 Soprano Pipistrelle
1 Daubenton’s
1 Natterer’s
Birding for Beginners
Our first “Birding for Beginners” course was organised and run by Tony Philp. The course, which was fully booked, included basic information about equipment and field craft and was followed by a walk showing the various habitats around the Lakes. The course was well received by those who attended. Many thanks to Tony and Matt for their time and expertise.
Evening Chorus walk
As an easy alternative to a dawn chorus walk, this year we ran an evening chorus walk in Clowes Wood and were rewarded with a good sighting of a Lesser Spotted Woodpecker!
We know this species has bred in the wood this year and there have also been recent sightings of Spotted Flycatcher and Black Tern in the area. You can always keep up to date with local bird sightings by following Matt’s blog at:-
More than 40 people attended the AGM in June and were treated to an excellent talk given by Paul Wilkinson on the wildlife of the West Midlands canals.
Earlswood Fete
Once again we had a stall at the Earlswood fete in June which attracted many people and the aquarium, with wildlife taken from the lakes, was very popular. Thanks to the fete committee for their donation towards specialist nest boxes which we intend to install around the lakes. Special thanks to Brenda, Paul, Ron, Cathy, Izumi and Len for helping out on the day.
Dates for your Diary
Bat Survey – Saturday 21st September 10am meet at Malthouse Lane car park
Bob Roberts (Membership Secretary)
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