Warwickshire County Council are keen to promote home composting. It is a great way for gardeners to make their own compost and it diverts garden and food waste from the waste stream saving Council tax money.
To encourage residents of Warwickshire to either start composting or help existing home composters improve their knowledge, the County Council’s waste management team are running a series of free home composting workshops across Warwickshire. Each resident attending the workshop will receive a free 330 litre compost bin. (Limited to one free bin per household)
Each workshop will last approximately 45 minutes consisting of a 30 minute presentation by two County Council officers with an expertise in home composting and waste management plus a question and answer session.
The workshops will take place as follows:
Bedworth – Wednesday 29th January
Bedworth Civic Hall, Bedworth
6.00pm – 6.45pm
Atherstone – Saturday 5th April
Lower House Farm Recycling Centre, Baddesley Ensor, Atherstone, CV9 2QA
10.00am – 10.45am
Stratford – Thursday 10th April
Holy Trinity Church Centre, Old Town, Stratford-upon-Avon
6.00pm – 6.45pm
Nuneaton – Wednesday 30th April
Nuneaton Town Hall, Nuneaton
6.00pm – 6.45pm
Warwick – Tuesday 6th May
Hill Close Gardens, Bread and Meat Close, Warwick CV34 6HF
6.00pm – 6.45pm
Rugby – Saturday 10th May
Rugby Library, LIttle Elborow Street, Rugby, CV21 3BZ
10.00am – 10.45am
We would be grateful if you could spread the word about the workshops to the residents in your Parish area. To book on to a course either:
- Book a place online at www.warwickshire.gov.uk/composting
- Email the Waste Management Team at composting@warwickshire.gov.uk
- Telephone 01926 412593
If you would like a poster to help advertise the workshops in your parish please let me know.
If you have any queries about the workshops please let me know using the contact details below.
Katey Stoneman
Waste Projects Officer
Waste Management
Warwickshire County Council
01926 412724
follow us on Twitter at #compostcorner
Waste Projects Officer
Waste Management
Warwickshire County Council
01926 412724
follow us on Twitter at #compostcorner
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