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Showing posts from March, 2014

Blog Spring Clean

Well it is that time of year and I have decided the blog needs a bit of a face lift and a Spring Clean. The clocks have moved forward and the blog has almost stayed static in design and ideas for the last 4 years. I decided a clean uncluttered approach was best, which is remarkable for me. Having looked at the blogs and websites I enjoy reading, I decided to have a bash at a simple look without to much colour. OK so there is work to do and menus and sign posting to put in place but I actually quite like this look!  For now at least! I am not quite so sure about the black header although I think it looks effective it also appears a bit morbid. I want to stay away from the colours, Green, Blue, Yellow, Red all those colours that appear to label the blog as a particular Political persuasion. So the next trick is to find the colour code and change it

The Most Important Meetings Of the Decade!

Please don't ever say you weren't made aware of the intention of a Tanworth In Arden Neighbourhood Development Plan. This includes all areas within the Tanworth Parish Ward. Including, Aspley Heath,Danzey, Earlswood, Forshaw Heath, Wood End &Tanworth In Arden. With hard copy leaflets, social media, email at least 4 websites and word of mouth,Parish Notice Boards and now Audio Leaflets  there is no reason why you shouldn't know about the Neighbourhood Development Plan and the part you can play.It is totally up to you.  The Question is Do we Plan or Not plan?  The decision is yours it always comes to me the old saying. "Fail to plan! Plan to Fail"  For those that do want to play a part in the  potential Neighbourhood Development Plan. You are in the right place to keep up to date  Why is the NDP important to us? It quite simply gives us the opportunity to help mold and shape our own community and it's surroundings, infrastructure & potential...

Neighbourhood Development Plan

Stratford District Council is planning to build 10,800 new houses in Stratford District over the next 15 years – do you want your say about where they should go? Our options: To do nothing and let Stratford District Council and Developers build where they want; or Prepare a  Neighbourhood Development Plan  so that we have some say over where the houses will be built. Public Meetings , to explain the need for a Neighbourhood Development Plan have been arranged for: •  Friday 25th April  in Earlswood Village Hall Starting at 7.00pm* for 7.30pm – 9.00pm. •  Sunday 27th April  in Tanworth in Arden Village Hall Starting at 2.00pm* for 2.30pm – 4.00pm •  Saturday 3rd May  in Earlswood Village Hall Starting at 9.30am* for 10.00am – 11.30pm * arrive early for pre meeting refreshments If the parish does nothing, the projected 10,800 houses will go where Stratford District Council and the developers decide. A Neighbourhood Plan cannot be...

Heard It Through The Grapevine

Well never say never! The Rumor Mill has it that Tanworth In Arden Parish Council is about to embark on a Neghbourhood Plan. How would this affect you? Well in short folks if the rumor is true it means Residents and Business  get a say as to what happens in our Local Community.

T-I-A Scouts

It is great that I am able to add 1st Tanworth In Arden Scout Group to the Links on this page. With permission. The link has been added to Local Links Carrie

Is This True or Just Scary ? Stratford District Council could be axed in major shake-up

Just picked up from the Redditch Advertiser Stratford District Council could be axed in major shake-up Sourced by Redditch Advertiser 1st March 2014 http://www.redditchadvertiser. District_Council_could_be_ axed_in_major_shake_up/ THE future of Stratford District Council hangs in the balance as plans for a massive shake-up in the way local government works in Warwickshire were agreed to be explored further. During a three-hour open debate held on February 25, the possibility of whether Warwickshire County Council could become a unitary authority, thereby replacing current district and borough councils and taking over responsibilities for services such as rubbish collection, council housing and planning, was discussed by all 62 members of the county council. Local authorities across the country have had to face up to the prospect of damaging cuts, and it has been argued by some that the change in organisation could save taxpayers in ...