Please don't ever say you weren't made aware of the intention of a Tanworth In Arden Neighbourhood Development Plan.
This includes all areas within the Tanworth Parish Ward. Including, Aspley Heath,Danzey, Earlswood, Forshaw Heath, Wood End &Tanworth In Arden.
With hard copy leaflets, social media, email at least 4 websites and word of mouth,Parish Notice Boards and now Audio Leaflets there is no reason why you shouldn't know about the Neighbourhood Development Plan and the part you can play.It is totally up to you.
The Question is Do we Plan or Not plan?
The decision is yours it always comes to me the old saying. "Fail to plan! Plan to Fail"
For those that do want to play a part in the potential Neighbourhood Development Plan. You are in the right place to keep up to date
Why is the NDP important to us? It quite simply gives us the opportunity to help mold and shape our own community and it's surroundings, infrastructure & potential development without total dictation from those that do not live in our local area.
Meetings have been arranged and Tanworth In Arden RA and Earlswood and Forshaw Heath RA are in support of Tanworth in Arden Parish Council.
You don't need to be a member of either Residents Association you and your family or local group, business are included.
Meeting Dates and Info