This little blog has been running for over four years now and whilst having a look around I found the first post I ever wrote, funnily enough its not view-able on the blog itself because I had in fact scheduled it to be posted automatically for March 2019.
What surprised me about my unpublished forgotten post of just over 4 years ago is how clear I was about why I started blogging what I wanted to achieve.
I can't believe I had forgotten about the post and continuously ignored the fact I had an unpublished post. (Careless of me I know)
However it was refreshing once I opened it to remind myself of its content I had a WTF! moment.
Its rather strange that although I have been struggling with finding a purpose for my blog, I have unknowingly or subconsciously, until recently started to achieve what I originally set out to do.
They say ignorance is bliss! I had a personal goal to achieve, I had forgotten my own goal and got a little waylaid by Twitter and some of the great people on it I got taken out of my little bubble and my little corner of the web and shown the power of Social Media and Hyper Local.
I suppose more importantly I got shown there were people out there trying to achieve the same as myself in different ways.
I have decided the forgotten post remains in draft format for my motivation in scribbling away on a Hyper Local blog for when I have one of those "why am I doing this" thoughts - Its there to remind me why ;-)
LoL The Forgotten Post is Called " The Past,Present & Future"
LoL The Forgotten Post is Called " The Past,Present & Future"