Sunday is my day for wandering
around the web to find out what is happening in the world and locally. I knew
the following was going to happen but just didn't realise it had started to
happen. As you all know I am quite interested in all things Local, Greenbelt, Countryside
plus of course my ICT passion.
One of my constant moans many
moons ago when starting this blog was, Why our local Authority, Parish Councils
and other organisations didn't make use of the web and the tools it had to
offer to share information to keep the web surfers among us informed and in
4 years ago I was watching the
progress “live streaming free courtesy of U-Stream” of The Dechora Eagles in America (US) whilst I was sitting at home in Warwickshire (UK). Whilst lurking
around the U-Stream online application I stumbled across a Stratford Upon Avon
council meeting and pondered on why they didn’t do it on a regular occurrence.
Today by accident I have stumbled
on Stratford Up-On Avons webcast channel. As I said earlier I knew it was going
to happen but just didn’t realise it had started. Very careless of me!
The webcasts are broadcast live and then archived, to be perfectly honest there is absolutely no reason why those of us who can’t attend meetings and rely on written reports of others, actually can’t see and hear exactly what happens during these meetings.
The Agendas are printed at the
side of the webcast which is a useful tool
So ICT meets and informs Hyper Local Communities. If you would like to see archives of planning meetings and cabinet meetings or even watch it live the facility is now there. It is an opportunity to find out if the people you voted in as local representatives are representing you the way you think they should be. It is also an opportunity to learn about how you’re District Council functions and some of the difficult decisions they have to make. In short whether we agree or disagree with decisions the facility is now there to watch listen and learn.
I for one am grateful this
facility exists and thank SDC for taking the step.
It is a bit slow in loading but
well worth it. The link is