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Showing posts from July, 2014

Whatever Next Wind Turbines!

PLANS to build two 35-metre-high wind turbines in Hockley Heath - the first in the area - have been submitted to Solihull Council, The Observer can reveal. Urban Wind has applied to build what it describes as two 'small scale' wind turbines on land at Box Trees Craft Centre so the centre can run off the electricity and reduce its carbon footprint. Hockley Heath Parish Council has already objected to the application, listing a number of issues including the wind turbines being too close to houses, having a negative visual impact on the village and being a distraction to motorists. Despite consulting with villagers, just two letters of objection were received by the Parish Council - both listing, among other things, concerns about the damaging effect on house prices. The two turbines will stand at 35 metres high, the same as seven double-decker buses on top of each other, and will have a 12m-long rotating blade. If approved, the wind turbines would be permitted to ge...

Pothole Whinge

Common sense! I can't believe the lack of it being used! Here is my whinge for the month, Fulford Hall road had a rather nasty dangerous pothole on a bend which I must admit caught me out the first time I met it the and time I had no choice but to go down it due to on coming traffic and something so close behind I couldn't stop. Anyway not only was there the nasty pothole on the bend this whole lane seems to be crumbling at the sides but not in quite such a dangerous places. I couldn't believe my eyes the other day when I saw the pothole on the bend filled in and mended but the rest of the potholes left without being touched. It may just be a member of the public mended the dangerous pothole however I doubt it. Why didn't all the potholes get mended at the same time? what a waste of manpower and time. The pothole menders will only have to come back to mend the other ones in the near future. Well that's in the Solihull area there is an equally as nasty one in Forsh...

Updated Doctors Link

Please note the Doctors link to the website has been updated.