Common sense! I can't believe the lack of it being used! Here is my whinge for the month, Fulford Hall road had a rather nasty dangerous pothole on a bend which I must admit caught me out the first time I met it the and time I had no choice but to go down it due to on coming traffic and something so close behind I couldn't stop. Anyway not only was there the nasty pothole on the bend this whole lane seems to be crumbling at the sides but not in quite such a dangerous places. I couldn't believe my eyes the other day when I saw the pothole on the bend filled in and mended but the rest of the potholes left without being touched. It may just be a member of the public mended the dangerous pothole however I doubt it. Why didn't all the potholes get mended at the same time? what a waste of manpower and time. The pothole menders will only have to come back to mend the other ones in the near future. Well that's in the Solihull area there is an equally as nasty one in Forshaw Heath Road Stratford District Council however it appears to have slowed the traffic down on this fast rat run type road so I wont shout to loud but I do worry about those who are visiting the area and don't know its there especially those on motor bikes and cyclists
Well here you go, Crime Stats for November 2020 for Alcester North, Once on the page hover over the hot spots to get a break down for your village or town, I still think this is a great tool. Just a reminder the tool is provided by and is for anywhere England As always I have set the default search area for Alcester North. Click Here to Access Crime Map For Alcester North