Well it has been ages since I wrote a post of my own you could say I have been otherwise engaged with all things NDP. I write as Carrie in this post and not as a representative of the NDP. I have had great fun with the NDP website if none of you have seen it please feel free to take a peak.
We have a bright shocking pink NDP progress menu which I am sure will be frowned upon but the strange thing is since it turned to pink more people have used and looked at it. I did say to the NDP vice Chair I was about to turn the website bright pink with yellow spots, I think he thought I was joking.
Any way whats been great about the NDP for me is being given the opportunity to keep our community In Touch and Informed using all the skills I have learned from this little blog over a period of a few years. Any way what is new.
Just Follow the Bright Pink Menu On www.tanworthndp.org
- Interim results from the Resident's Survey are back and on the NDP website as I say they are interim and there is still work to do. You will find it under NDP Local Consultation.
- Aprils Agenda is out on the NDP Website
- March Draft Steering Group minutes are available
- This morning our first E-Bulletin went to our 99 people who left their email address on the Residents Survey wishing to be kept updated
- We have a twitter Account
- We have a Facebook account and yes I am still struggling with Facebook in fact I hate it with a passion if anyone who lives in and is Passionate about the Parish and skilled with Facebook please feel free to contact me.
- We have a blog with quick updates
I have always said electronic methods of communication enhance traditional methods and don't replace them. They work hand in hand.