Whilst reflecting on what this blog was about, I decided to go back to some of my earlier posts to see exactly what was on my mind. Broadband was one of my top 5 subjects. I got really excited ten years ago when I almost had a download speed of 5 MB. My how things have changed I am now the proud owner of of a broadband connection of between 70 and 73 MB. How on earth did we cope. Am I paying extra? No my broadband provider called me and asked if I wanted to take advantage of the updated speed as it was now standard for the package I was on in the area I live. My first response to the call was how much extra will this cost the little voice on the end of the phone said "nothing" Well I said if that is the case I would be silly not to allow you to upgrade my speed. I was still baffled as to why the broadband provider just didn't update. Of course it all comes down to GDPR and data protection. They can't change anything without explicit permission. So in the last few weeks I have jumped from an average of 18 MB to between 70 and 73. Even my wireless connections are supporting TVs, Netflix, Mobile Phones, Other laptops, Google home hub all being used at once. One question you may have for me is do I Is Am I on a cable network. LOL Don't be daft I live in the Tanworth In Arden Parish and am still on good old copper lines. They say everything comes to thee who waits, I have to say reaching these speeds was not on my wish list as I thought they were unobtainable and futuristic. No more buffering. I think a special thanks goes to My Broadband Provider BT and to the work being done by the CWS Project
See I don't moan all the time :-)