Let me have my moan before I get to the point. OMG ! I am so tired now of paddling down the drive in my wellies, getting drenched everytime I walk outside, having a dirty muddy car and all day everyday being dark and gloomy . Even the cats have retreated to indoors and give me the evil look. As if the weather is my fault. Good god its only the end of February and the daffodils have already made an appearance. poor little things. The drive is flooded once again, the lawn is water logged, the lane and its grass verges are a disgraceful weather beaten mess aided and abetted by 40 ton lorries, the dog barely wants to poke his nose outside, the trees are looking decidedly dodgey as they brave the wind and their roots and trunks soak up the water. The garden looks like a mud bath. Whats the betting come May or June we are all complaining about the lack of rain and the heat.
So To The Point
However as I gripe and moan I then have to think of us as being very lucky compared to many, who dont have their home to refuge in because the rain has caused them to be flooded out of their homes. It may be that the were nieve enough to buy a house that was built on a flood plain. That really does spell disaster. It may be because they have purchased a home near to a river. Once upon a time our rivers and canals were our transport routes and ancestors looked after them by something called dredging, as time has passed away this thing called dredging has become a rareity and when it does happen it happens in short sparodic phases and not a whole river. All this does is pass the problem down river to else where
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