It is raining today so life has moved back indoors with my focus returning to my laptop and surfing the web, looking for something creative to do. I really do want to get to grips with my YouTube channel. The problem is I have so many ideas that focusing on one is becoming a little bit difficult and a bit daunting. It was going to quite simply start off as life in the lane however since that idea has almost been sabotaged by the Virus I have had to put it on hold.
I must admit that the Vehicles have slowly started to increase and I even spotted an Arctic lorry yesterday.
What has been great to observe is the volume of local residents, families, dog walkers, runners, and cyclists all enjoying their local surroundings and taking advantage of the countryside. On the whole, these people are local to the lane and mostly observing social distancing. They have every right to walk up and down the lane.
What would be great is if all these people who were rarely seen previously, suddenly took notice of where they live and how beautiful the area can be. Hopefully, it may motivate them to help look after it and appreciate what they have on their doorstep.
Now whilst I am sitting here rambling to myself. I have noticed what appears to be the total absence and lack of communication and leadership from our Parish Council. Admittedly there is a short note on the Parish Website headed Corona virus which points us all in the direction of the Earlswood and Forshaw Heath Residents Association. This was published on the 18th March and the next update was Parish Council Meetings quite rightly have been suspended and Parish business will be completed differently. What is different are they going to have video meetings, conference calls? What exactly is different? To say the least, I am slightly disappointed with our Parish Council. I have now noticed Parish Council has uploaded their Emergency Plan. I must have missed it when I specifically looked for it the first time to see what they should be doing in an emergency!!!
On the flip side of the coin, the Residents Association has come into its own and can only be congratulated on all its endeavors to keep us all in touch and informed. Alongside updating their website daily. What a pleasant surprise it has been to receive alerts from EFHA Residents Association.
I still think there is so much more we can do with technology, we only have to think about the elderly person who at 87 years old saw her great-grandchild for the first time. OK so it was via whats app or face time but she has in real-time been able to communicate and be a part of the happy events instead of isolated. What an achievement for the technology available and of course the elderly person.
As I wind up today's ramblings I ponder on all the good things technology can be used for. Should I once again stick my head up above the parapet and fly the flag of technology or should I leave it? I am still pondering on that conundrum and will decide at a later date.
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