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Showing posts from July, 2020

Lovely YouTube Channel Worth A Look My Find For The Week

Whilst surfing You Tube yesterday for all things Earlswood (Warwickshire) I came across this fairly new You Tube Channel that has short bite sized chunks of lovely video pertaining to the countryside or hidden corners.  I am actually quite excited about this channel  as it It's aim is to Explore all Counties of England. It's  not often I really promote something from someone I don't know but I really do think this You Tubers Channel is worth promoting. It is very similar to Warwickshire County Councils  recent Shop local videos but with a twist. It is countryside, hidden corners, walks, wildlife. I personally found Exploring England a very relaxing quiet channel and a reminder of what we all have available locally and further a field.  As always I am not affiliated  that I know of in any way shape or form but just think this small channel "Exploring England" is worth a subscribe and like or even if you don't subscribe a like.  A very pleas...

Earlswood Wildlife Partnership (News Letter 35)

Its great to see EWP is back in action and writing news letters and more importantly protecting our wildlife and educating us. I for one have noticed so much more during our enforced lock down from the Muntjacks, Tawny Owl, Hedgehog, two cub foxes and occasionally the vixen last week there was some sort of bird of prey sitting on the drive. I have yet to tell Matt of Birds of Earlswood about that. We actually found a frog, once upon a time the garden had lots of frogs but they like the Hedgehogs are now few and far between. The Tabby pussy cat made another Guest appearance the other night after not being seen since the end of May. We have had red dragonflies, blue dragonflies, birds tapping on windows. We have watched the Blackbirds feed their young and the baby birds fledge and fly. We think we have bats my only wish is I wish I could capture in photographs some of the beautiful wildlife I have seen. If it wasn't for groups like EWP and similar people I may just have missed som...

Earlswood Village Community Care

Earlswood Village Community Care is a thriving group on Facebook. It is community orientated and community led and has proved invaluable during the last few difficult months. Facebook has never been my own personal choice of communication. I am a Twitter girl. Short sweet and to the point. However I am not so daft as to not realise that everyone has their own favorite form of communication and Facebook was a much needed community asset. This private group is thriving well moderated and does not stand any nonsense. Its a pleasant place to be if you want to catch up with local news and events pertaining to Earlswood & Forshaw Heath. I personally am chuffed to bits someone has taken the initiative and made the Facebook platform available for the Residents of Earlswood & Forshaw Heath. So if you are local to Earlswood & Forshaw Heath why not join as of today the other 455 Facebook members . For the founders of the Facebook group a huge thank you. Please NOTE joining this Fa...

New Chair Person EFH RA

Dear all. Please be advised  there is a new Chair Person of Earlswood & Forshaw Heath Residents Association. All contact details of the Residents Association can be found on the link the left of this page or on the following link Welcome to the new Chair Ewen Cunningham  and many thanks to the previous Chair Jenny Buckley.

Ashamed Of My Self

Oh well here I go on a rant and  a Ramble. For quite a while now I have been driving down Poolhead Lane and seeing new homes being built. I suspect they will be very beautiful inside and the new occupants probably won't be on the affordable homes list. For the life of me I can't understand why or why the three new builds in Poolhead Lane got planning permission. They are not in keeping with the openness of Greenbelt. From my personal perspective they are interesting but don't belong in Poolhead Lane. They are ugly and don't enhance or even give any sympathy to their neighbours, Greenbelt or the surrounding areas. They stick out like a sore thumb. Has anyone actually seen them. OMG if you haven't then take a look on the video below. It is incumbent of all of us that live in the Tanworth in Arden Parish, which includes Earlswood and Forshaw Heath to keep an eye on planning applications. The below could  replace the dwelling or the field next to your home. Do ...