Well I expect those of you that tend to read this blog will no doubt know about this useful little tool or have something a little more modern available. So I am probably preaching to the converted. This weeks find is a useful tool. I must admit I didn't until someone on a different Social Media Platform asked a question. Me being me went to find out the answer in doing so. I then came across this tool, that allows you to map your walking routes and much more. You can keep your routes private or open them publicly. Personally I was blown away by this tool. There is an app which you can download to your mobile . I personally didn't bother. You can describe your routes the pros and cons and funnily enough it makes you realise when something is broken, not fit for purpose or a footpath suddenly disappears which did happen to me last week the time has come to start asking questions. You know that moment where you are sure there was a footpath there and suddenly it appears to hav...
Quietly Pondering & Watching The World Go By Or Not As The Case May Be!!!