Well it is the 3rd or fourth time I have wanted to scribble general thoughts and ramblings. I am currently feeling Sad, Confused, Annoyed and totally at the end of my tether with absolutely everything just in one short week we have had the following.
- A survey from PC asking us if we would notice a slight increase of the cost per week of our Parish Council Precept.
- A survey from the Police and Crime Commissioner potentially asking the same question but for the Warwickshire Constabulary.
- Malthouse Lane Park now looks like a prison camp (Personal Opinion Only) so much for the openness of the Greenbelt.
- We have had two horrific crimes within a week - Neither of which we as a wider community would have known about if it weren't for local word of mouth, SM and groups and not from official sources ie Police, MSM except for the Daily Mail
- A niggling and real Nitpicking moment is when on the 3rd of December 2020 @20:07 hrs I still don't see Octobers Parish Council Minutes published on their website, Blimey they were agreed on 19th November 2020 it is now the 3rd of December 2020. Just saying and again is a personal observation.
- There is one other thing to top it all for me Solihull and their Local Plan lets hope there is some joined up thinking between Solihull / Stratford and Warwickshire with reference to the generic infrastructure, then again perhaps the Corona Virus will change the way we all work and we won't on the whole need to commute or need the infrastructure.
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