Police Message
Burglary Dwelling Tanworth in Arden
Inc 202 05/05/2011
Burglary dwelling Vicarage Hill Tanworth in Arden, property is at the Village end of the hill. Between 2pm and 3pm Thursday, offenders have gained access to the rear of the property through a window.
Offender has been disturbed by the owner returning and made off with items inc jewellery stored in pillowcase taken from property. Unknown if offender had vehicle, but was described as a white male late 20's dark hair wearing a black jacket, light trainers and had a distinctive ring piercing in the corner of his lower lip.
If anybody has any information in relation to this incident please call 01926 415000 quoting the above inc number.
Information can also be given anonymously to Crimestoppers on 0800 555111
Information can also be given anonymously to Crimestoppers on 0800 555111