Police Message
Attempt Burglary Dwelling Earlswood
Inc 55 16/11/2011
The Common Earlswood, between 2330-0730 Tuesday/Wednesday offenders have forced the lock and damaged a metal garage door in an attempt to enter an integral garage. Fortunately entry was not gained due to extra security measures on the inside preventing the door being lifted, and no items were reported taken.
If anybody has any information in relation to the crime please call 101 or 01926 415000 quoting the inc number.
Also an insecure vehicle was entered overnight Tues/Weds on The Green Tanworth in Arden. There has been more unreported of thefts from motor vehicles that have come to light, almost all vehicles that have been entered have been left insecure, the only reported exception to this was a vehicle left with items that were visible which resulted in a window being smashed to gain access.
Please ensure that all security measures available are taken, and all items removed from show.
The next mobile Police surgery takes place on Friday 2nd December at locations throughout Tanworth/Earlswood, there will also be a representative of Stratford District Council promoting Community Forums and how they help resolve Community Issues available, to discuss any issues that can be taken to the next Community Forum on December 15th 1830 Wootton Wawen Village Hall.
David Martin
Alcester North
Safer Neighbourhood Team
Warwickshire Police
01789 444816
Work Mobile 0792 3288641