Police Message
Car Key Burglary
Forshaw Heath
Inc 23 16/12/2011
At 0500hrs this morning a Porsche was taken from a property on Forshaw Heath Rd Earlswood. 4 offenders were involved in removing the keys from the property before making off towards Dickens Heath.
They were seen by a neighbour who alerted Police and the vehicle was seen making off. The vehicle was spotted by officers making the area in response to the call, the vehicle continued to make off before then being involved in a RTC, and the offenders were subsequently arrested. In the vehicle were numerous electronic items which did not belong to the vehicle owner.
At 0400 4 males were disturbed in the rear garden of a property on Broad Lane. Offenders had triggered a perimeter alarm alerting the residents of somebody on their property, offenders made off when the resident shouted from a window, nothing was taken and no attempt was made to enter the house or surrounding outbuildings, it is thought these may be the same 4 individuals.
If anybody has any information in relation to the above, or has details of vehicles in the area around this time that may have dropped these 4 off, please call 101 or 01926 415000 quoting the Inc number.
Information can also be passed anonymously by calling crime stoppers 0800 555111
Burglary risk assessments and crime prevention advice as always is available by contacting myself on the details below, should any friends or family in the area wish to receive these messages direct, please pass on my details and I will add them to the mailing list.
Have a happy,peaceful and safe Christmas and New Year,
David Martin
Alcester North
Safer Neighbourhood Team
Warwickshire Police
01789 444816
Work Mobile 0792 3288641
Keep in touch with what is happening on Alcester Sector via: http://www.safer-neighbourhoods.co.uk/an