Well I wonder what has motivated me to write the following I suspect it’s a conversation on Twitter but nothing I haven’t thought of before. I really think the Australians have it right and the one thing in life that should be adhered to is voting. Everyone should vote except those that are to ill or detained. As far as I am concerned to many people have fought and lost their lives in order for their successors (Us) to have our say on the future of our Country, City,County,Town,Village or Home. My blog is not a political blog and I don’t often chat about politics as it is a hot topic but I am freely able to express an opinion thanks to my predecessors and those that believed everyone should be heard. Those who don’t bother to use their vote don’t have a right to complain everyone if physically able should vote instead of going unheard. As I pointed out last week Tanworth had a 31.9% turn out which means 68.1% did not bother voting. Which actually means the minority of...