The second Neighbourhood Development Plan meeting was held yesterday (Sunday, 27 April, 2014) in Tanworth Village Hall. There were doubts about holding it then when it came to light that the centre of Tanworth was going to be closed to traffic all afternoon due to a parade. However, the hall was bulging at the seams with just under 90 people fighting their way to the meeting. Perhaps they were just looking for a quiet seat and a cuppa during the parade? Not a bit of it! The format was the same as the first meeting in Earlswood the previous Friday and the questions raised varied from heartfelt concerns for the area to technical questions on the application of the new planning powers. Chairman, Dermot O’Brien, Tanworth Parish Council’s Chair of Planning thanked all the speakers and gave an effusive thanks to all the attendees for making it such a lively meeting. The Chairman also mentioned that, because of the parade and the (now unfounded) ant...
Quietly Pondering & Watching The World Go By Or Not As The Case May Be!!!