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Showing posts from April, 2014

Full Village Hall TIA 2nd NDP Report 27th April

The second Neighbourhood Development Plan meeting was held yesterday (Sunday, 27 April, 2014) in Tanworth Village Hall.  There were doubts about holding it then when it came to light that the centre of Tanworth was going to be closed to traffic all afternoon due to a parade.  However, the hall was bulging at the seams with just under 90 people fighting their way to the meeting.  Perhaps they were just looking for a quiet seat and a cuppa during the parade?  Not a bit of it!  The format was the same as the first meeting in Earlswood the previous Friday and the questions raised varied from heartfelt concerns for the area to technical questions on the application of the new planning powers.  Chairman, Dermot O’Brien, Tanworth Parish Council’s Chair of Planning thanked all the speakers and gave an effusive thanks to all the attendees for making it such a lively meeting.  The Chairman also mentioned that, because of the parade and the (now unfounded) ant...

Earlswood Wildlife Partnership News Letter 16

Earlswood Wildlife Partnership Contact us at:  or on 07528 595444              Newsletter 16 Dormouse Survey The dormouse survey tubes have now been installed on the south side of the wood in specific areas to maximise our chances of detecting dormice and the first survey check will be on Saturday 12 th  July.Special thanks to Hugh, John, Kate, Ken, Ron and Val for putting out the tubes. Bird Boxes We have now put up all the specialist bird boxes (which were partly funded by a donation from the Earlswood Fete Committee) around the lakes and as can be seen from these great photos by Tony Philp we already have some interest! Thanks to all who helped install the boxes and especially to those from CRT for bringing their boat! Bat Box Project Several extra bat boxes have been made by members of the EWP and installed in the wood bringing the total number of ...

NDP Report 25th April 2014

The first in a series of 4 public meetings to discuss and assess the appetite for setting up a Neighbourhood Development Plan for the parish was held last Friday night – 25 April 2014.  The meeting took place in Earlswood Village Hall and was attended by 60 people.  Presentations were made by 2 Parish Councillors, followed by a session whereby attendees considered the implications of a number of potential planning outcomes that could result as a consequence of Stratford District Council's Core Strategy which is now in final draft and posted questions and comments as to their views on these points.  These comments will become the starting base for a new Neighbourhood Development Plan steering group if there is the appetite to undertake a Neighbourhood Development Plan.  The meeting concluded with a short presentation by a local developer who put the business perspective and the meeting then concluded with a question and answer session which was lively and covered a ...

Guest Post Blog By Bob Earlswood Wildlife Partnership

Bob is the membership secretary for Earlswood Wildlife Partnership. He has kindly agreed to tell us a little bit more about EWP and his role within it. Bob is my first willing volunteer to provide editorial for my blog and for that I am extremely grateful. I have a hit list of people and organisations I would like to invite to be Guest Writers whether they will all be as willing as Bob I really don't know but I really do hope so. Some of the work our volunteers and organisations do for us in order to keep our environment and community ticking along often goes unrecognised by the wider community. My thanks goes to Bob and everyone involved with Earlswood Wildlife Partnership for helping keep our Flora and Forna protected and safe for future generations to enjoy. Without further ado please welcome A Blog by Bob of Earlswood Wildlife Partnership About Earlswood Wildlife Partnership The Earlswood Wildlife Partnership (EWP) is a partnership between local residents,  Warwickshir...

Additional Meeting TIA Neighbourhood Development Plan

I have been informed that an additional meeting for the Neighbourhood Development Plan has been arranged for the following Wednesday 30th April 2014 at Tanworth In Arden Village Hall. Starting at 7.00pm* for 7.30pm – 9.00pm * arrive early for pre meeting refreshments  The above meeting is in addition to  Friday 25th April  in Earlswood Village Hall Starting at 7.00pm* for 7.30pm – 9.00pm. Sunday 27th April  in Tanworth in Arden Village Hall Starting at 2.00pm* for 2.30pm – 4.00pm Saturday 3rd May  in Earlswood Village Hall Starting at 9.30am* for 10.00am – 11.30pm

ELF - Picnic In The Park

PICNIC IN THE PARK MONDAY 5 MAY 2014 (weather permitting) If the weather defeats us all we will try again on Monday 26 May 2014  (NOTE – THIS EVENT WILL NOT BE RUN ON BOTH DATES)  FREE ENTRANCE STARTING FROM 12.30 pm MALTHOUSE LANE PARK, EARLSWOOD COME ALONG, ENJOY THE AFTERNOON AND MEET YOUR NEIGHBOURS THERE WILL BE A VARIETY OF ACTIVITIES AND FUN FOR ALL! WE ARE HOPING TO HAVE A RAFFLE TOO FUNDS RAISED TO BE USED FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE LOCAL COMMUNITY To Date the Earlswood Lakes Fundraising Committee has :- v   Organised and run two Summer fetes (sadly this is no longer financially viable) v   Purchased a new piece of children’s play equipment for the park v   Given cash donations to:- o    Warwickshire and Northampton Air Ambulance o    West Midlands Air Ambulance o    Henley Community First Responders (who work throughout Earlswood) o    Earlswood Wildlife Partnership ...

Local Elections Thursday 22nd May 2014

Well it appears to be Local Election time again. That! has come around so quickly. I really didn't think it was time for Tanworth In Arden ward to go to the poles again. I don't think I have miss read the SDC Website in fact when checking again. I realise that it is Peter Oakley from Earlswood (Conservative) whose seat is coming to the end of its term. Well it will be interesting to see who stands and for what party. Anyway details of the Local Elections can be found at Stratford District Website   There are 18 seats in the Stratford District to be contested and listed as follows. Wards The District Council is made up of 31 wards, each having one, two or three councillors, depending on the size. Each new Councillor is elected for a four year period. The table below shows when each ward within the Council will be holding an election: Name of District Ward Number of Councillors to retire in 2014 Alcester 1 Asto...

The Forgotten Post

This little blog has been running for over four years now and whilst having a look around I found the first post I ever wrote, funnily enough its not view-able on the blog itself because I had in fact scheduled it to be posted automatically for March 2019. What surprised me about my unpublished forgotten post  of just over 4 years ago is how clear I was about why I started blogging what I wanted to achieve.  I can't believe I had forgotten about the post and continuously ignored the fact I had an unpublished post. (Careless of me I know) However it was refreshing once I opened it to remind myself of its content I had a WTF! moment.  Its rather strange that although I have been struggling with finding a purpose for my blog, I have unknowingly or subconsciously, until recently started to achieve what I originally set out to do.  They say ignorance is bliss!  I had a personal goal to achieve, ...

Tanworth-in-Arden Annual Parish Assembly

Tanworth-in-Arden Annual Parish Assembly Wednesday 7 th May 2014 Ta nworth Village Hall at Time: 7.30pm Our guests this year will be: Trainers from the West Midlands Ambulance Service who will be demonstrating how to use the defibrillators which will shortly be installed on the external walls of Tanworth and Earlswood Village Halls   Please come and meet and put your questions to: ·       YOUR Parish Councillors ·       YOUR District & County Councillors ·        Representatives from many local organisations & groups . Afterwards you are invited to stay and join us for a chat and enjoy some complimentary wine and light refreshments.

Earlswood Lunch Club

Earlswood Lunch Club is held at Earlswood Village Hall every Wednesday between the hours of 12 and 2.  Run by dedicated volunteers the lunch club provides an opportunity for folk to get together for a couple of hours a week, have a chin wag , catch up and most importantly have a cooked meal with a little glass of wine. Meals are cooked in Earlswood Village Hall making the most of the village halls new kitchen facilities and recently the allotments started supplying their surplus veggies which are put to good use. Meals cost between £4.00 and £4.50. The Lunch Club is great for those people who perhaps don't get out and about as much as the use to and a pick up and collection service is made available. Once again offered by volunteers. So if you would like to volunteer your services as a driver once in a while or know someone who may enjoy good company and lunch why not pass the word on. For more information contact Rachel   

500th Post From A Hyper Blogger

Well I don't believe it I have actually reached the 500th post mark and lasted longer than the average blog albeit 2013 was a little bit quiet for me. Probably because I had so much going on. What is interesting is that for a long time the Police updates which I no longer get and the Olympic torch have been by far the most popular posts, Well that was until news of the potential TIA Neighbour Development Plan, which appears to have created substantial interest for such a small blog and no my own visits aren't counted. It has been an interesting 4 years and great to see that TIA RA and EFHRA are now both on line and sharing information. That actually may be another reason I was quiet in 2013 our Residents Associations having an on line presence saved me posting about their activities etc. What is surprising is now in 2nd place for interest on the blog is Earlswood Wildlife Partnership. Their news letters are always read and visited and by far receive the most consistent int...

Public Meetings - TIA NDP - Audio Leaflet

You will need your speakers or headphones plugged in and the sound enabled in order to listen to the announcement on the link below. You will be taken to  sound player.  All you will need to do is click the on the picture below and then hit the play button. Enjoy the voice of TIA PC :-)