Contact us at: or on 07528 595444 Dormouse Survey Having found some potential dormouse nests at the end of the last survey, we now have feedback from our expert Andy Bucklitch:- “I carefully dried out all 3 nests so I could look at the structure more closely, see what was 'constructed' or woven rather than stuck together. Thoughts as follows:- 81 - all grass, no clear structure at all, acorn husks & a bit musty - almost certainly Wood mouse/Yellow neck mouse 77 - all grass, fairly good woven structure, no smell or feed remains - possible Dormouse but not 100% conclusive due to lack of outer 'shell' material 78 - as 77 but much softer finer strands - again possible Dormouse & very characteristic but again not conclusive due to lack of outer material On the whole, 77 & 78 were more “dormousy” than any other species so I'd put some money (but not...