If it wasn't so sad it would be funny, I have made it one of my little missions in life to try and keep the grass verges and ditches free of litter. Just so it is not the task it was when I first did it. Obviously from a previous post you may have seen, I noticed the return of a vodka bottle. I hold my hands up I didn't pick it up there and then. I wasn't in suitable attire, had the dog with me and it was pouring with rain as it has been every day for ages. Any way on Monday 17th Feb I noticed my one lonely Vodka bottle had been joined by three friends however it was still pouring with rain. Tuesday morning with the brief respite I got brave and armed myself with a black plastic bag, gloves and wellies and decided once again to collect the litter. I must admit I cant blame passers by for all of it as it has been slightly windy for the last couple of weeks. I overestimated my black plastic bag and it soon got very full. There might just be enough room left for the 4 orphaned Vodka Bottles.
As I wandered into the Vodka straits you could have knocked me over with a feather my little family of 4 orphaned Vodka Bottles had now turned into a family of 6 over night. Begrugingly I picked them up and tucked them away in their new found home of the dreaded black plastic bag which was now straining under the weight.
Blimey the Binmen are going to think we are total raving dipsomaniacs. What with the 20+ I found on the first litter collection and by Tuesday 18th Feb another 6. Well the lane had been dry of Mr/s VB during Wednesday however it didn't stay like it for long. On my walk this morning the familiar wink of brand new shiney glass beckoned me to take a closer look Mr/s VB had a clean bright red coat on with it's little red lid screwed tightly on, begging me to take it home to join his mates. Sadley I had to leave him as I hadn't got the urge or the stamina to leap in the ditch and subject myself to soggy cold feet noor crawl back up the ditch on my knees.
I know I am making light of this and it is none of my business who drinks what and when however at best we appear to have the following.
A pedestrian with a littering problem FFS take your crap home and put it in a bin!
At worst and more seriously
Vodka Bottles being disposed of from a motor vehicle by a passenger or a driver. That is a different kettle of fish and has all sorts of serious ramifications.
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