Well as you all know my photography and filming is not that good. I promise I am working on it. I have been spending my time clearing corners of the garden that had all but been forgotten about. In fact I am quite proud of my accomplishment. I am by no means finished, in fact I don't think the garden will ever be finished its just one great big constant merry go round, which to be fare has been left and got slightly out of hand for one reason and another. I personally am not one for straight lines and manicured gardens, I like the slightly wild and natural aspect where each corner holds a surprise and the unexpected reveals it self. Its each to their own and no one is correct.
Anyway! you may be asking what has this got to do with wildlife, technology and fly tipping. To start off with I am no expert on wildlife, I just appreciate it and enjoy watching it when the priverlidge is available. The one thing I am aware of , is that from March to September hedges or trees should not be disturbed because of our feathered, flying friends nesting and bringing up their young. However much I wanted to cut back some of the secret places in the garden, I did refrain leaving the birds to there nesting and bringing up their young.
My efforts were not a disappointment as these quiet times allowed me to witness and view a black bird family feeding their family. Yeah OK photo is not good, and taken from around the home. I was able to spend 1/2 and hour watching without disturbing the black bird family going about it's business and feeding its young. Technology can be used for such great things that normally pass us by. Yeah the photo is crap but the film was great. I just took a still out of the film. I was able to see something I have never had time to see before. With the help of technology.
Now my secret garden hasn't let me down. Although the muntjacks havent been seen again since my last secret garden post Mr/s Fox made a very rare appearance and to be honest very bold appearance. My hunch is as Foxy neared the house s/he made his/her way to the BBQ to see what could be snaffled sadly for Foxy domestic pets were first to the scene and snaffled remnents of BBQ first.
Now the tiger and regular visitor to our garden has proved themselves to be an absolute killing machine. I do not know if Tigger (Nick Name) is wild, semi wild, a farm cat, or someones domestic four legged furry,docile friend. We on principal do not encourage what may be someone elses cat. Tigger looks well fed and purrfectly happy taking HIS/HER evening early morning trog through our garden, whilst occasionally comitting Mouse Murder. I love all animals including mice and I really don't like Mice being murdered by cats, but Tigger saw, pounced, killed so quickly and then preceeded to take mouse pray away very quickly. Tigger is very different to my two little feline friends, I spend my time with Pixy and Dixy watching them catch a mouse, play with a mouse with me trying to rescue a mouse. More often than not I succeed and the mouse is rescued and set free by being placed back in the field.
Now the Highlight of the week as far as wildlife in the garden is concerned was a hedgehog. I havent seen a Hedgehog for years. Comming back off the evening walk Buds quickly ran part way up the drive and stopped in his tracks. I couldn't for the life of me work out what had captured his interest. As I got closer and shined the torch I suddenly saw a prickerly little ball of spikes. The one time I hadn't got my phone with me by the time I made my way backoutside with a camera, old spike had moved on and was nowhere to be seen.
So you say whats with the photo of the lost fridge/freezer Mirror Fram, Chest Freezer. Well someone appears to have mislaid them. If you know the owners just ask them to get in touch and I can point them in the right direction of their whereabouts. You never know they could be reunited. Forgive my sarcasmn but I thought we were on lock down. Not redecorate the kitchen and disgard unwanted white goods. Its a shame really because the little fridge freezer and the little chest freezer were spotless inside and out and I am sure could have gone to a deserving home as and when we get back to normal. Why do people do this?
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