Well it just goes to show you can't trust anyone, with the use of technology those that are paid to represent their Countries quite happily tap away at keyboards passing their thoughts backwards and forwards by cyberspace. Then some clever git chooses to release cables/emails or what ever you wish to call them on to the Internet for all to view. In some ways I am glad it has been done, on the flip side of the coin I am not so sure it is a good thing. I have mixed feelings towards it all. If in the first place people were open and honest there wouldn't be a problem with the leaking of of documents. On the other hand these people have passed comment and records go back more than a decade where many things can't be changed. In fact some things have changed because of the reports and thought these people have put forward to the USA. There is no turning back time however learning from the past is possible From a previous post. What makes me happy? ...
Quietly Pondering & Watching The World Go By Or Not As The Case May Be!!!