As I will be beavering away at work and to be honest should be working instead of participating in Police Chat I have decided to scribble my thoughts here on my blog in my own time. As the media article says Social Media can be a double edged sword when it comes to something as important as solving crime as you all know I am a great lover of Twitter and it's short timely messages. I am now also a fan of how it helps people connect with the Police with things such as Police Chat and the way wIK uses his IT skills to help with multi media and Police on-line presence. At first I was disappointed that Warwickshire appeared to be a bit reluctant to use such a communication tool and not participate, however during my short time tweeting I really do think careful consideration should be given as to how twitter is used. It is great for public participation and ideas being put forward to help mould our Police Forces. ie (Police Chat) the recent (Twit Cast...
Quietly Pondering & Watching The World Go By Or Not As The Case May Be!!!