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Showing posts from May, 2011

Police Chat & The affects Of Social Media The BIG Society

As I will be beavering away at work and to be honest should be working instead of participating in Police Chat I have decided to scribble my thoughts here on my blog in my own time.  As the media article says Social Media can be a double edged sword when it comes to something as important as solving crime as you all know I am a great lover of Twitter and it's short timely messages.  I am now also a fan of how it helps people connect with the Police with things such as Police Chat and the way wIK uses his IT skills to help with multi media and Police on-line presence. At first I was disappointed that Warwickshire appeared to be a bit reluctant to use such a communication tool and not participate, however during my short time tweeting I really do think careful consideration should be given as to how twitter is used. It is great for public participation and ideas being put forward to help mould our Police Forces. ie (Police Chat) the recent (Twit Cast...

STRATFORD DISTRICT COUNCIL - Come and Have Your Say at Stratford Community Forum

Disclaimer Please Be Advised I am not 100% sure if this Community Forum Is for Residents Of Stratford UpOn Avon Town or Residents Of Stratford District.   It was advertised via our local SNT Police Team so I assume it is for Residents of Stratford Upon Avon District which includes Forshaw Heath & Earlswood. If planning to attend please call the number below for more info. For more information contact Beverley Hemming at SDC on 01789 260105 The next Stratford-upon-Avon Community Forum has a new start time of 7pm on Thursday 9 June at Thomas Jolyffe Primary School , Clopton Road, Stratford-upon-Avon. Items up for discussion this time round include: Find out the latest news on the Birmingham Road traffic flows situation Hear updates about the Budget situation for Councils, Police and Health  Authority Open session for residents to have their say A l...

Police Message

Local Police Message Posted with permission Inc 102 20/05/2011   Theft from motor vehicle in Bellfield Tanworth in Arden. Between 2000 19/05 and 0730 20/05 offenders have entered a parked vehicle on Bellfield and taken a sat nav from the vehicle. Pushchairs were also removed from the back but were recovered at the scene. Inc 33 27/05/2011   Attempt theft from vehicle in Cloweswood Lane Earlswood. At 0300 27/05 2 males attempted to take items from an unsecured vehicle. Fortunately the occupants had a infra red perimeter device on the drive that indicates that entry to the driveway had been breached making the vehicle owners aware. Offenders made off on foot towards Malthouse Lane. Inc 416 27/05/2011   Burglary dwelling Forshaw Heath Rd Earlswood. Between 26/05 and 2000 27/05 offenders have gained entry to a property via rear patio doors using the owners spade. An untidy search has been made and large quantities of electrical items such as TV and gaming systems ha...

Accountability & Responsibility

I once wrote on this blog many moons ago about people being accountable and responsible for their actions. Today the news that Sharon Shoesmith has managed to gain god knows how much money for being unfairly dismissed has gob smacked me. There is of course the typical mix up of why she gained the compensation. She went to court for unfair dismissal, if my boss did that to me in public irrelevant of my actions previously I may well do the same. Go to court for unfair dismissal. There are two different things at stake the woman's ability or should that be inability  to be accountable for the actions of her process,procedure and staff and the fact that being dismissed at a press conference by Ed Balls was actually a contraindication to Employment Law. That is like me saying your fired in front of the rest of the office. I can't do it. So no matter what I think of the woman's inability to be accountable in her previous £130k job a ...

What A Week - Help !

Drawn by @Ben My week has been very IT orientated and I blame the Bats and my Cam Corder. Having filmed the Bats I wanted to share my film producing skills with everyone else. I needed a 4 pin Fire wire to transfer my film to my computer its the one thing I hadn't got in my massive collection of wires. S o I duly went out and purchased one when I got to Dads I unpacked my laptop and camcorder and ripped the wire out of its packaging. I plugged it all in and it all worked. I could now go next door and transfer my Bat Film and try and upload it to the web. I got home put the kettle on unpacked the laptop and the camcorder plugged it all in again and it didn't work. The laptop refused to acknowledge the camcorder was plugged in. Since then I have been on a quest. Don't laugh you computer whiz kids I went as far this morning of buying a new Fire Wire just in case I had damaged the other one. That didn't work. Eventually I lost the plot and have spent most the morning r...

The Beast + A Serious Note

I was thinking about President Obama s car perched on the top of a speed bump/ramp today.  Yes the incident made me smile when it's everything proof! but speed bump/ramp proof, however it is quite a serious breech in security.  It's always the simple things that are never thought about and that's because people are so clever they are programmed not to think about the simple things. It's the same in any walk of life or trade. Any way just because I am curious I want to know how they got the damn thing off the speed bump. Did they drive off it Did the pump the tyres up :o) Was it lifted I wonder who did the risk assessment for Speed Bumps/Ramps? LOL It wouldn't be any good over a hump back bridge and it might of even come unstuck with some of the pot holes we have scattered about! On a serious note this car I suspect won't be damaged so a note to any planners of Ramps and Speed bumps just think of the damage this could do to ...


Carrying on from yesterdays post about super injunctions  and privacy etc. it got me to thinking. In real terms our every day lives are are taped,filmed and recorded as a matter of course. From using a cash point machine Getting off a train and using electronic gates To being recorded on the train Walking to work and being filmed by CCTV How many times we leave and enter our work buildings (Pass keys and swipe cards) What web sites we visit What telephone calls we make Where we are when we make those telephone calls You name it something somewhere will be keeping its beady little eye on us all.  There is no privacy any more.  I found Google Earth intriguing however I find Google Street view totally invasive.  I am waiting for the day technology joins all the dots adds all the activities together and will be able to record and view everyone's activities real time giving an accurate account of each persons activi...

Bats In The Garden Last night whilst sitting in the garden I noticed quite a few bats I even managed to get some film of them. I really am perplexed as to where they are coming from but at dusk they start whizzing around . Memo to self must find a way of uploading the video from the camcorder! not that I expect it will be any good. I am no David Bailey.


The week before last it was the beautiful Bluebells now its the turn of our buttercups.

Social Media and News.

Whilst we all Tweet away and use our blogs and Social Media to share with the world our thoughts and interests. I can’t think why there should be a super injunction on some footballer who may have had an extramarital affair. To be honest I am not even interested the only thing that does interest me is why such a person thinks he is so important that he warrants a super injunction. I am not so sure why such trivia is even news worthy and that’s just it isn’t it! With our 24hr news channels even the most un news worthy item appears to become big news because media outlets have nothing more interesting to write about. It’s nothing more than a giant gossip machine. I am about to contradict myself there is a lot of interesting news to write about but it appears to me gone are the days where a reporter or a journalist has time to investigate facts and build an interesting story it just appears to be about  a quick turn around. Its about filling newspapers and news channels up with “...

Really Hacked Off

Do you know something I am sick and tired of those working in London thinking they are the be all and know all of everything and that everything is to the law of London  I don't know what they see things through but as sure as hell it must be rose tinted glasses.  Suffice to say I have had a bad day at work in Birmingham -------------------------------------------------------------------

Best Use Of Funds

I am very pleased that the Madeleine McCann case is to be reviewed by Scotland Yard. However I am less pleased that a 3 million pounds has been ring fenced for the review and is reported as possibly taking years.  Whilst the rest of us are undergoing cuts to our Police Forces, resources and funds are been allocated for the review of one case and I am not 100% convinced this is the best use of these funds and resources, unless of course the one case leads to the resolution of many others. As far as I am concerned all missing children warrant the same importance and perhaps I would feel more comfortable if the £3 million and the resources were allocated to a police department who specialises in such cases. I suppose you shouldn't believe everything you read in the papers it may just be that Madeleine's parents have offered to help pay for the review from the proceeds of the recent book as that was why it was written in the first place to pay for the ongoing investigation.

T-I-A Parish Assembly

Parish Assembly today (Wednesday 11th May) when Paul Lankester, the CEO of Stratford On Avon District Council will be attending.  There will be wine and 'nibbles' afterwards. Date   Wednesday 11th May Time  19:30 Place  Earlswood Village Hall


Try broadband speed test Well I have to say folks the speed of my Broadband has gone up slightly, However it is no where near where it should be.  These are the things I have done to help myself. They are all available on your computer as standard tools. If you de-fragment your hard disk, be prepared to allow it to run without interruption ( Go to bed and leave it) Got rid of all the cookies De-fragmentation of my hard drive Got rid of all the files I don't need or want Generally de cluttered my Laptop Checked all cables leading to and from the PC and reset the wireless connection Installed Google Chrome Got rid of Internet explorer All of this has appeared to have helped me gain NEARLY 0.5 of a MB of Speed so I am now very nearly reaching 3MB of my up to 8MB.  It still makes me so cross that BT is promoting it's new product "Infinity" which is up to 40MB when on the whole we all appear to be receiving a lot lower speeds.

Oh Dear Oh Dear :o)

Photo Provided By The OH (Other Half) is having some sort of fit he has just looked at the Wolves/West Bromwich game score. So far 3-0 to Wolves.  He has gone in to hibernation muttering something along the lines of it looks like the Blue Boys are going to be fighting to stay in the premier league. Born to suffer and using words I dare not blog. After the fantastic day out at Wembley and having qualified for the Europa League. I have to say Birmingham City Football Club never ceases to amaze me.  They get so near to being very good and so very close to very Bad, there never seems to be any consistency with them. Its either all or nothing. Oh well I suppose I was also born to suffer the ups and downs of BCFC and me the closet Villa Fan.

A Few Thoughts

As I listen to the continuous news analysis of the recent vote. I can't help but feel that someone if not everybody is missing the point. As I did a simple calculation on the average turnout of those that did vote which appears to be approx 41.4% I can't help but wonder what the other 58.6% of the voting population actually think Whilst Governments react to those that shout loudest, in actual fact those that shout loudest are in the minority. Of course we are a Democratic Country and have a choice as to whether we vote or not which is a luxuary compared to some countries. So what makes approx 58.4% the majority of the population not want to have a say in what happens. I just don't understand it London 35.4% (1.86 million) South-west 44.6% (1.80 million) Eastern 43.1% (1.84 million) West Midlands 39.8% (1.63 million) Yorkshire and the Humber 39.9% (1.53 million) North-w...

Animal trust in Wythall holding open day THE Animal Healing trust, based in Wythall, is holding an open day on Sunday, May 8 from noon-4pm, to raise funds for the upkeep of its 22 stunning horses. Visitors will be able to meet the three herds, their miniature pony, and recent edition, 12 month old Baby Louie. There will also be charity merchandise on sale with a tombola, raffle, homemade cakes and refreshments. For more information about the charity visit where donations can be made from as little as £1.25. There is also the chance to sponsor one of the horses from just £3 a month. All donations are appreciated. Entrance is £2 for adults and £1 for children. For directions call Sue Gessey on 07780 698393.

Burglary Dwelling Tanworth in Arden

Police Message Burglary Dwelling Tanworth in Arden Inc 202 05/05/2011 Burglary dwelling Vicarage Hill Tanworth in Arden, property is at the Village end of the hill. Between 2pm and 3pm Thursday, offenders have gained access to the rear of the property through a window. Offender has been disturbed by the owner returning and made off with items inc jewellery stored in pillowcase taken from property. Unknown if offender had vehicle, but was described as a white male late 20's dark hair wearing a black jacket, light trainers and had a distinctive ring piercing in the corner of his lower lip. If anybody has any information in relation to this incident please call 01926 415000 quoting the above inc number.   Information can also be given anonymously to Crimestoppers on 0800 555111

T-I-A Parish Council Minutes

Just a quick one to let readers know Parish Council Minutes have been Updated. January   2011 February  2011 March      2011 and now available on the Parish Council Website

Bald Eagles growing Up

Decorah Eagles 24/7 Live Cam  The  Raptor Resource Project  brings you the Decorah Eagles from atop their tree at the fish hatchery in Decorah, Iowa. Decorah Eagles

Customer Service

I am just a Joe Blogs when it comes to scribbling on my Blog I am no expert on the web. I scribble quite happily about things that please and displease me. I may not be a participant in Local Community at this moment in time, as far as taking part and doing things (I have my own reasons for that) However in my own way I support our Local economy , I buy my plants locally, I buy my meat and veg locally this week I have had my hair cut locally. To be honest I am not interestested in cheap not because I can afford to be expensive.  I am just interested in value for money and a quality of service that is acceptable to me. I almost always find that particular value and quality locally. My visit to the Local Hair Dresser was great the Customer Service was spot on and the small talk was just right. The hair cut was great but as always my hair fights back and does its own thing. Its the story of my life and I doubt my hair will be tamed by anyone for any length of time.   S...

Let The Pictures Do The Talking

Beautiful Earlswood Woods New Fallings Coppice.  Please note all photos were taken with a mobile phone by Carrie.  Please feel free to reuse if required.